Chapter 26

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Almost Is Never Enough

Chapter 26

Once you arrived, they rushed you into a room so they could see how much you had damaged your leg. Jay and Nathan were forced to wait outside. Nathan buried his head in his hands. "Oh god what have I done?" He muttered.

"You haven't done anything. It's my fault I ever told her how I felt." Jay said.

"There was no way you could've kept that from her, Jay. She would've found out from you one way or another," Nathan said.

"No she wouldn't have. Not if I'd kept my big mouth shut, minded my business and moved on," Jay said.

"We both know that's not true. She would've found out." Nathan said.

"How?!" Jay said, exasperated.

"Just instinct really, you can always tell by the way someone looks or acts around the person they like." Nathan explained.

"I've hidden it long enough, I could've done it longer." Jay said. "I didn't have to ruin both of your lives."

"No you couldn't, Jay," Nathan said, looking straight at him, "and you didn't ruin our lives either."

"Don't lie to me. I know I did. She wouldn't have gotten shot, or broken her leg, or tried to kill herself if it wasn't for me. You wouldn't have just broken down and thrown things and screamed if it wasn't for me. I SCREWED EVERYTHING UP!" Jay said.

"Jay, some of those things still could've happened. She still could've gotten shot because of that psycho Veronica," Nathan explained.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't have broken up with Veronica because of her so there wouldn't be much reason for her to shoot her." Jay retorted.

"Yes you would've. You would've still had those feelings for her and have nothing to offer Veronica." Nathan said.

"Mate, I crossed the line. She's your girl. You deserve her. Not me. All I'll ever do is ruin her life." Jay said.

"We both know that's not true. And technically, she isn't my girl." Nathan retorted.

"But she was!!!" Jay said.

"And she's about to be yours," Nathan said, subtly upset.

"HAH. That's funny." Jay said.

"It's not funny when it's true..." Nathan said.

"My ass." Jay said.

"It is!!! You know what is funny? How you don't believe me." Nathan said.

"I don't believe you 'cause it's not true." Jay continued.

"You don't get it do you?" Nathan asked.

"What are you talking about?" Jay asked.

"Jay, I know everything!" Nathan said, slightly yelling.

"What?" Jay asked.

"I saw the pictures of you two at the carnival when I was gone. Max was trying to block you two on the Ferris wheel, he didn't do a very good job," Nathan said.

"Wait...did those hit the press?" Jay asked, shocked.

"Must have. It's all over the Internet," Nathan said.

"Oh fuck!" Jay said. He opened up his twitter and his notifications blew up with all kinds of hate.

"How could you do that to Nath?"

"Fucking cheater."

"Enjoy her 'cause you just lost your best mate." Were just some of the tweets.

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