Chapter 106

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Almost Is Never Enough

Chapter 106

Jay carried you downstairs and set you down on the couch. "Having fun there?" Siva asked, smiling.

"Not that kind of fun, but we did have fun," Jay said, kissing your cheek.

"Nareesha is going to be fangirling all night," Siva said, laughing.

"Well the way her and Kelsey rushed out of our room after they took pictures says a lot," Jay joked.

"So does the fact that they're already on twitter..." Siva said, showing you his phone.

"Can they just marry each other already? I mean come on! The cute love songs<3" Nareesha tweeted.

Kelsey had tweeted something similar, with a list of everything you had said to each other attached. The fans were going wild. #MarryHerJay was trending.

"Wow," was all Jay could say.

You kissed him lightly, before tweeting yourself. "Now, who is Jay marrying?" Everyone replied with YOU and you replied to one saying. "Oh. I assumed it was FloRida :p xx"

You turned off your phone and snuggled into Jay. About 10 minutes later, Kelsey and Nareesha came back with ring pops. You laughed at them as they handed them to you. "Hmmm it is a guy's job to pick out the ring..." You said, giving the ring pops to Jay. He smiled and picked one before leading you outside onto a picnic blanket that looked out onto LA.

Jay got down on one knee. "I know we've only been dating for six months...but I think that's long enough to know you're the person I want to marry. Will you please marry me, lovely?" Jay asked, holding the ring pop out for you.

"I would be honored to accept your ring pop engagement," you smiled, as he put the ring pop on your finger and stood up to kiss you.

"AWWWWWWW!!!!" Kelsey and Nareesha blurted out as they immediately took pictures.

Nareesha posted one of Jay on one knee with the caption "Guess who took the hint and is getting married with a ring pop?" You continued kissing him. "Ah damn. Didn't post. Stupid wifi." Nareesha said.

"Don't post it yet!" Jay said, "I want to scare them first!"

"And how are you gonna do that?" Nareesha asked, confused.

Jay ran inside cheekily and grabbed something, hiding it behind his back before getting back down on one knee. "Be ready to record this, " Jay said, "I want to post it."

"Got it mate," Siva said, as he started recording.

Jay took your hand. "Lovely, I love you more than anything," he said, "and I know it's only been 6 months, but I feel like 6 months with you is enough. I think it's enough to take this huge step in our relationship, because I'm in love with you." He then took a breath. "Lovely...will Avatar with me?" He asked, holding out the DVD box.

"Of course I will, Jay!" You said, taking the DVD out of his hands and running up the porch behind the camera, like you were going inside. Everyone was laughing hysterically, as Siva sent the video to Jay.

Jay posted it a few minutes later with the caption "SHE SAID YES!!!!"

You retweeted it and wrote "I'm the happiest person right now. I said yes to the guy I watch Avatar!!!"All of the replied were hilarious.




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