Chapter 68

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Almost Is Never Enough

Chapter 68

*Meanwhile with Nath and Jay*

"Jay, please stop crying. She said she's coming back," Nareesha said, sitting beside Jay.

He couldn't stop looking at his phone, looking at your messages. "So? She still left! She obviously doesn't love me enough to stay," Jay said.

"Of course she loves you, Jay! She just needs some time by herself is all," Nareesha said.

Meanwhile, Kelsey was trying to comfort Nath. "It's not your fault, Nath," Kelsey said.

"Yes it is!" He said, crying. "If I hadn't kissed her, she wouldn't have left!"

"Nathan, please stop crying. She's coming back soon, she must forgive you if she is," Kelsey said.

"She doesn't though. She hates me. Jay hates me. I wouldn't be surprised if she never came back. If she told Jay where she was they'd both cut themselves off from me as much as they could." He said, his head in his hands.

"No they wouldn't, Nath! Don't be so stupid, they both love you," Kelsey said.

"Doesn't fucking seem like it." Nathan muttered. "She even hates it when she kisses me now, and Jay hates me for kissing her."

"She only hated it because she wasn't expecting it at all, and just to add onto that, she's dating Jay. It probably threw her off," Kelsey explained.

Nathan looked away in shame. "I know Jay hates me now. I heard him talking to her. Saying that I needed to move on and stop screwing up his relationship," he said.

"You know that he was just frustrated. After seeing that, he probably wasn't thinking straight," Kelsey said.

"She's so happy with him. Always smiling and laughing. And then I always ruin her happiness. I hate it. I hate the look on her face when she sees me being sad, it ruins her day. She doesn't deserve that." Nathan said.

"Then why can't you be happy? That's all she wants from you," Kelsey said.

"Love is the key to happiness. I don't have that. She's the only one I'll ever love. Even if she never loved me back." Nathan said.

"Nathan, I really hate you right now. You wanna know why? Because in those months that you two dated she did love you. She still does and you saying that she never did just pisses me off," Kelsey said.

"Well I'll add you to the list of people that hate me. She obviously doesn't love me anymore, she loves Jay. She may love me, but she's in love with him." Nathan said.

"The point is she does still love you, it may not be in the way you want it, but she still does." Kelsey said.

Nathan looked away, crying. His phone beeped and he looked down quickly, hoping it would be you. Instead, it was a message from Ariana.

Ariana: I think we should talk about what happened yesterday.

He sighed and turned off his phone. The only person he wanted to talk to was you, what happened with Ariana yesterday wasn't helping him at all. "Who was that?" Kelsey asked.

"It's nobody," Nathan muttered.

"Don't pull that shit with me. Who was it?" Kelsey asked.

"It was Ariana..." Nathan said, looking away from Kelsey.

"What did she say?" Kelsey pressed for further information.

"She wanted to talk to me about what happened yesterday," Nathan said, trying to keep his answers vague.

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