Chapter 104

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Almost Is Never Enough

Chapter 104

You woke up in Jay's and Nathan's arms and smiled at their sleeping faces. You looked at their abs too, and smirked. Images of "that day" rushing through your brain. They both slowly woke up to your smiling face. "Morning," you said.

"Morning beautiful," Nathan said with a raspy voice.

"Morning lovely," Jay said.

They both pecked your cheeks. "Can I wake up like this every morning?" You asked.

"Depends, do you have room in your bed at home?" Nathan asked, laughing. You jokingly rolled your eyes at him. He smiled back at you wearily and Jay kissed your neck softly.

A nurse walked into the room. "Oh...sorry for interrupting," she said, looking at you three guiltily.

"It's fine," you said as Jay pulled away, "you didn't interrupt anything."

"I just came in to take your blood pressure if you don't mind," the nurse said. You sat up and held out your arm. She took your blood pressure quickly. "110 over 70, looks normal. I'll have a doctor sign your discharge papers so you'll be free to go," she said.

"Thank you," you said, and she left the room.

Jay pulled you back onto the bed and nuzzled into your neck. "Jay, what are you doing?" You giggled. He started kissing your neck in response. "Jay stop!" You laughed and jokingly pushed him.

"I don't want to..." He said, pulling you back and kissing your neck even more. You smiled cheekily at him and let him continue. Nathan looked at the two of you, smiling. You were so in love. It suited you, even if it wasn't with him. You shivered as Jay moved down to your sweet spot.

Nathan got out of bed as he continued to smile at you two. He then got dressed and took a picture of you and Jay and tweeted it with the caption "They're so in love they couldn't wait until they got home."

You had your eyes closed, letting out a quiet moan. Then you snapped your eyes open when you got a twitter notification. "Oh geez!" You said, pulling away from Jay. "Sorry about that Nath!"

"No it's fine, you two can continue. I'll wait out in the hall," Nathan smiled, before walking out of the room.

You and Jay broke out into a fit of laughter. "We're so stupid!" You said, laughing.

"Of course!" Jay said, climbing on top of you and kissing you again.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back passionately. You granted him access as he slid his tongue in and your hands ran down his arms, tracing his tattoos with your fingers by pure memory. Jay's hand was at the back of your neck, controlling the kiss while his other was at your side. He stood up slowly, pulling you up with him. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he held you up, not breaking away from you. He pressed you against the wall, everything about you turning him on. Your hands were at the back of his neck as you kissed him roughly, but passionately. He pulled away from you, his blue eyes looking into yours. You were pressed up against him, breathing heavily. He closed his eyes, taking in the moment.

"We can't do this here," Jay whispered.

"I know," you said sadly. "Maybe later."

He bit his lip and kissed you slowly, your stomach turning and your mind spinning. 'Is this what Romeo and Juliet felt like?' You wondered.

You kissed Jay back gently, meaning so much into the kiss. He pulled away again before setting you down and getting dressed, leaving the room to you. You still had your clothes from when you first came into the hospital and you put them on. You checked your twitter, seeing all of the messages from fans and all of the trends. They had tweeted you every single night. You saw Nath's most recent tweet and replied "Oi don't go snooping about my room ;) xx" You smiled at everything they tweeted, all of them saying they were sorry and that they hoped you would get better soon.

Jay walked back into your room, watching you smile at your phone. "The fans?" He asked. You nodded. "They're pretty amazing," Jay said, wrapping an arm around your waist and leading you out of the room.

"Ready to go?" Nathan asked as you both walked into the hallway.

"Yup. Bring me home!" You said, hugging Nathan. Nathan chuckled as he held your hand and walked you out of the hospital.

Paparazzi had flooded the hospital. You couldn't see ten feet in front of you without them blocking your vision. You had all tried your best trying to get past them but it seemed impossible.

"How does it feel to have your girl back? " One asked.

"It's the best thing in the world. I couldn't be happier," Jay said.

"And you," A slightly more malicious looking one asked, "why are you holding hands with your ex?"

"Because I can. We're still friends so it shouldn't matter," you said.

"Do you really hold hands and kiss a friend's cheek?" The pap asked. "Poor Jay was about to kill himself, and you keep showing off your love with Nate here. Are you fucking with him when Jay's not in the mood?"

"First of all it's Nath, and second yes I do kiss friend's cheek and hold their hand, I do that with a lot of people. It just disappoints me that you all think I'm a slut, screwing around with everyone," you said, pushing your way through all the paps and to your car.

"Well it bloody seems like you are!" The pap yelled after you.

You turned around to look at the pap, furious and upset. "I'm not a slut. I'm with Jay and only him," you said firmly, before getting inside of the car.

Jay climbed in next to you, calming you down. "Shhh love it's okay." He said, hugging you.

"Those fucking paps get on my nerves every damn time. I swear to god there isn't one of them that's actually considerate," you said, as Nathan started driving away.

"They're trying to do that." Jay said, "it's their job. What's important is that you don't believe them."

"It's a horrible way to do their job though. Don't they realize people have feelings?" You said.

Jay sighed and rubbed your back comfortingly. "Society sucks," was all he said, kissing your forehead lightly.

"It really does," you said, resting your head on his shoulder.


Thanks for reading! Remember to follow @joyce13_tw on twitter and @thewanted_13 on Instagram! Also follow my fan page @twarelovely on Instagram!

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