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Shroud's P.O.V

One month ago

"Can't believe it, Rex became the captain of the 501st," Kano said from behind me.

"Why? Because he got promoted before you did," I said looking at him.

"No..." He said defensively. "...Yeah," He then said.

"Oh come on I am sure that you'll get moved up to a Sargent in no time," I said punching him gently in the shoulder.

"Hey!" He said holding his hands up in defence.

"What are you two doing?" Rex asked coming over to me.

"Just talking about Kano's future promotion, Captain," I said.

"If that's your way of congratulating me then thank you Shroud," He said.

"Of course captain, your every wish is my command," I said bowing. Cody who was next to Rex started laughing and Kano who stood next to me could stop.

"Shroud," Rex groaned shaking his head.

"Yes, captain?" I asked.

"You know what? Never mind," Sighed Rex as he turned and walked away.

"Shroud, how can you keep a straight face while doing that?" Asked Kano bending over laughing.

"It's a gift," I said glancing over my shoulder and staring at Rex who was walking towards the mess.

"You know Shroud I think today is going to be a great day," Kano said.

"Maybe, I'm starved. I'm gonna get something to eat," I said walking to the mess after Rex.

"Hey! Captain," I said walking up to Rex.

"What is now Shroud?" He asked.

"I want to do actually congratulate you. You made it to Captain and I do remember when were only cadets you promised me that you where going to become Captain and now. Here you are," I said.

"Wow. Thank you Shroud," Rex said smiling.

"Come let's go get a bit to eat," I said.


I was running down the hall of the Separatist ship with Kano and a few other troopers. I held my blaster in hand and shot any blasted droids I saw.

"Die Republic scum!" One of them shouted. Then I shot it's head off.

"Nice one," Said Kano.

"Hey I did suggest Sharpshote when you, Rex and Cody were deciding my nickname," I said ducking down and blasting another droid.

"She does have a point, now focus on the battle," Rex said coming up next to us with General Skywalker.

"No problem Captian," I said but suddenly I felt my body being lifted off the ground and thrown against the wall. My vision was blurry for a few moments then when it cleared I saw Asajj Ventress, Count Dooku's newest Darth Acolyte and a Commander of Droid Army. I aimed my gun and shot her hand. Her eyes widened and glared at me with hatred. When she was distracted General Skywalker was able to get the jump on her with his lightsaber. But she was able to open the escape pop that I was near and force push inside. It launched into the vast void of space.

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