Stowe aways

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Wolfe and a few other clones checked the store room, Master Plo Koon had a bad feeling so Wolfe took a few clones to check it out.
"Check the boxes!" He ordered. The clones did that. They moved from box to box.

"You think we'll actually find anything?" Asked a clone to his bother.

"Don't know. The General's never been wrong before." He replied as he checked a box and stopped. It wasn't locked like the others. He quickly commed for Wolfe to come over there. He carefully opened the box but suddenly he got sent into another box by an unseen force. Then a two hooded figure jumped out of the box since it was large enough for two people. They got into a fighting stantace while the other clone pulled out a blaster.

One of them wants at him and knocked him off his feet and grabbed his blaster. They then made a dash for the door with the other hooded figure. They ran but stopped as troopers blocked their path. One of them cursed as Plot Koon stepped foward.

"We need to do it." One of them whispered.

"Alright..." the other one replied quietly. They suddenly threw the blaster at a clone and stomped the floor and moved an arm up and the metal moved up making a wall. They stuck their hand out and the metal shot forward making a path for them. They ran and the person who did that turned to their partner and said, "I thought you said never use that unless it's an emergency."

"That was an emergency." They replied but skidded to a stop as Plo Koon closed and locked the door.

"Kriffing...." they muttered as they truned and raised their hands as Wolfe and another clone came forward and cuffed both of them and removed their hoods only to show the face of a clone and a girl.

"It seems we have a lot of explaining to do..." the girl sighed sigh it was the clone who did the thing with the metal.

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