Knight's Hymn

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Good Soldier Follow Orders... That phrase is going to haunt me till the day I day. Everything went wrong, my brothers turned and then everything else went wrong. Now I was being hunted down. I cursed and ducked into a building and hid. I was hoping to find one brother who hadn't turned. I then heard a sounded and I turned. I saw a little kid in the corner of the room I was in.

"Get..away..." She yelped. I looked at her and slid off my helmet. "I'm not going to hurt you, I swear," I said feeling bad for her. 

"But you're a clone," She said her blue eyes wide with fear.

"I am but I a not like the others, I didn't turn," I replied walking over to her and bending down. She looked at me, her closely and then nodded. " you know what happened, though?" She asked me.

"I wish I did," I replied as I sat down and across from her. "So. Why are they after you?" I asked.

"They think I am a force user," She replied. 

"Are you?" I asked.

"No, I am just good at things...they chased me." She said.

"We need to get out of here," I said standing offering her a hand. She took it and stood up. Suddenly the door got knocked down and I turned and raised my blaster. It was King and Bishop, two of my brothers. They had raised their blasters on me and King spoke. "Knight. By order of the Empire, you are under arrest."

"For what?" I snarled. "For not being a good soldier? If being a good soldier means killing innocents then I am no soldier." They raised their blasters and aimed, but I was too quick for them. I shot them both and they landed on the floor. I turned to the girl and said, "We need to run." She nodded and we ran out of there fast.

We were able to steal a ship and I took off and set the course for somewhere in the outer rim. "I never got your name," I said looking at her.

"It's Lila." She said. "Yours?" 

"Knight," I said. She smiled at me then frowned and asked, "Where those your brothers?" 

"Yes. They were part of my squad." I said.

"Then why did you-?" she asked to which I replied. "Since they were not my brothers. Not anymore." 

She walked over to me and gave me a small hug. "I am sorry," I was taken by surprise but hugged her back. "Thank you. Lila." 

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