Stay Strong, my little vod'ika

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Shield sat snuggled into his older brother Copper. Shield buried his face deep into Copper's side. "Vod?" He asks softly.

"Yeah?" Copper replied looks down at the small six year old pressed into his side. "Why can't we leave this place?" He asks. Copper and Shield were in a special medical base since Copper had a bad illness. No it wasn't contagious but still, it was killing him.

Copper sighed softly and said, "Cuz. They are trying to make me all better." Shield then looks up with big bright eyes. "Den we be able to go?" He asks.

"Yep!" Copper replied and nuzzles the smaller clone. Shield giggled and cuddles close to him. Copper smiled and sat back. Sheild climbs onto his lap and snuggles closer. "Someone's a little cuddle monster." Exclaimed Copper with a smile. Shield bursts out giggling and Copper hugs him close.

"Play whistle?" Shield asks. Copper smiled, "alright." He said. He pulled out a small hand carved flute. Copper didn't bother correcting Shield on it being a flute not a whistle. Copper gently started to play it and Shield smiles and listens to it.

Shield eventually falls asleep in Cooper's lap. Copper smiled gently and took the blanket and wrapped it around Shield. He laid him down and Shield sucked his thumb and smiled in his sleep. Copper smiled and gently ruffles Sheild's hair. He loved his brother so much, his little vod'ika. Copper knew that the chances of finding a cure where very low. However, Shield needed someone. They would have killed the small clone if Copper hadn't stepped in. Copper didn't know how long he had, but he did know he was going to make it count by taking care of Shield.

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