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The kaminioan stood there a bit in terror of the clone in front of him with the knife. The clone was supposed to be obey any order giver. He was supposed to be a puppet and do what they said. The cloners thought they got him to be like that but he just acted the whole thing. Now he had locked himself in the room with the head of the cloning program and worst of all. No one knew this was going on.

"Well. You failed big time," the clone laughed a bit insanely. "You thought your making a good little toy soldiers. But you completely failed." The clone walks over to the cloner and points his knife to his neck.

"Listen, you long-neck fish freak. I am going to ask you a question. Why work so hard on making clones just to kill or sell failers? You put so much money into this and you put up medical bases for us. Yet, you kill us and make our lives a toilet." The clone beings. "So. My question is why work so hard to just give up and destroy? My opinion your just throwing perfectly good money down the drain."

The cloner was silent. He then opened his mouth but the clone stuffed a sock in it. Littlerly, don't know where or how he got the sock but he did and he put it in his mouth.

"I didn't say you should answer." The clone then said. "Now. Your going to start treating us clones much better or you might have a little uprising on your hands, we clones are stronger and smarter then you think. We can easily find ways of taking over kamino and getting all the clones to turn on the republic and make our own little world were we are in control and if that dose happens. So. If you don't want that to happen. I suggest you make life easier and much better for us. Kay pumpkins?" The clone gave him a grin and turned and left the room.

The kamino just stood there and gulped. That clone scared him. A lot. He acted like he owned the world and was smart enough to make everyone believe that. He also got trained a lot and probably can take down a Jedi if felt like it. If anyone could make then clones take a stand, it would be him and knowing that clone. He would find a way.

A/n: okay. If you do want me to write a clone uprising story about clones taking over kamino and turning on the republic then please comment that I do so!

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