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"Pawn! What happened?" Asked Bishop as he knelt next to his brother who was being treated by Jessica and Slicer. "They attacked Rooke and me, they thought we had the OMD." He said just wincing a little. 

Bishop took out his comm and said, "King? Knight? Rooke? Do you copy?" His only reply was static. 

"Kirff," He cursed and sat down. 

"We need to get to their ship, chances are they got them." Said Pawn.

"I know, but you and I can't take them on alone. And Blitz squad is god knows where." Bishop grumbled. 

"We do have the backup," He then said looking at Mira, Winter, Marr'ad, Silver, Bookie, Bogie, Slicer, and Jessica.

"Why is he looking at us?" Asked Silver not getting it at that moment.

"He means we can help him," Said Mira. 

"Oh," He said. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. He grinned back at her. 

"We don't even know if they want to help," Said Bishop. 

"We do," Said Winter taking charge. 

"Fine...," He said standing. "Let's go." 

A/N: Yes I know this is a short one and I might add a part 4 in the future but right now that is not the plan. So I hoped you liked this 3 part story, so that's it.
Bye. Love ya all.

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