And who are you....

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A/n: This is what I think will happen if the 501st meet some of my clones.....And let the insanity begin!!!

Captain Rex, Ahsoka, Anakin, Fives and some other clones were walking back to base. They had to get back from a mission and the process of the mission somehow Anakin had blown up the gunship. Which did work but now they have to walk 50 miles to get back to the base. Captain Rex groaned slightly and rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Something wrong Captain?" Asked Kix walking up next to him. "Fine just a bit sore." He replied relaxing his shoulders. Kix nodded. They began walking but stopped since Anakin gave them the sign to stopped. 

"Something wrong master?" Asked Ashoka. 

"Somethings is off," He said looking around suddenly. As he was looking around there was a suddenly flash of blinding white light. When the 501st, Anakin and Ahsoka opened their eyes there where seven clones and one man in Mandolorian armor. In front of them was about one hundred droid like things. They where all black and they had a slight bent shap to their backs.

Captain Rex, Ahsoka, Anakin, Fives and the other clones that where their just stood their slightly confused.

"Any more bright idea's?" Grumbled one of the clones to the one standing next to them.

"I got one. Don't die." Said the clone who's armor was basically all black. He then charged at the closed droid and sliced it two with a dagger.

"He's going to kill himself," muttered another clone as all the droids attacked. One of them pulled out a red lightsaber and attacked. Another had an electric staff and one with an electric whip. The others just had blasters and pistols. It took thses eight people to take down all of these droids within about five to seven minutes.

"Who are you?" Asked Anakin who was very confused along with the others.

"Oh. Right. I'm Commander Shroud, this is Spark, Blaze, Dark, Glitch, Pawn, Snakeye, and Kal." Said the one with the red lightsaber who had turned it off and put it back on the belt. But when they spoke their voice sounded female.

"Can you please remove your helmets and answer some questions?" Asked Anakin starting to come back to earth (or whatever the name of the planet's name they were on was) a bit.

They took of their own helmets. Commander Shroud was female along with Spark and Blaze. But these three where clones. The others where all male and the one in the Mandolorian armor was also make but not a clone and he was the one named Kal.

"I think it might be better if we talk when we get back to your base." Said Shroud moving some of her hair out of her face.

"Right...but I want to ask you some questions on the way." He replied.

"Of course," She said bowing her head.

They began walking and Shroud was explaining that they where from a different dementions. She also explained that she does have the power of the force and the only reason she had a red lightsaber was that she had made a deal with someone.

"So.....," began Hardcase walking up next to Blaze.

"Try on hitting on me you'll be talking with a broken jaw and your tongue wrapped around your next for a week." Blaze said.

"She's being serious," said the clone named Snakeye stepping on the other side of Hardcase. Who had fallen silent and just gave her a long look.

"Really?" He asked Snakeye.

"Yeah. The last guy who tried to hit on her ended up in the hospital for about three weeks. You can talk to her but if you want to try to hit on her you have to be smart about it." He said taking off his helmet for a moment and fixed up his eye patch that was over his eye.

" did you get that?" He asked location his eye patch as he slipped the helmet back on. Snakeye sighed and said, "I'd rather not say." He then shuttered a little.

"Sorry I asked," he said seeing how uneasy the question made him and Snakeye said, "It's fine."

Spark sighed and stretched as she was walking. Blaze had left Snakeye and Hardcase and began walking next to Spark. Not far from them was Kix. He looked over at Spark and saw she had a marking on part of her armor that medics usually use.

"Your a medic?" He asked walking over.

"Yep," she replied. Kix then began talking to her about he was also a medic and some other things. They then continued talking together like old friends.

Glitch had began talking to Fives and Echo. They were interested in his armor that was clone armor phase 1. Kal was talking to Rex and some other clones where listening in. Pawn and Dark where just off to the side and back.

"What's bothering you?" Asked Pawn knowing Dark's uneasiness very well.

"We got in a weird way. Something was off about it." He replied glancing around.

"Do you think it was him?" He asked.

"Possibility....." Dark replied in a cold voice. Pawn sighed and nodded. Pawn was one of the only ones who knew Dark's past. Everyone had a past some more troubling then others, but from what Pawn learnt Dark's was horrendous. But really physically it was more emotionally. That was one thing that Dark hand taught Pawn, emotion and mental pain can hurt much more then physical. Pawn still didn't understand fully, but he knew it was true.

Dark let out a breath. Pawn was one of the only people he trusted. In total the people he trusted to a point was three people at best. The name of the people where Pawn, Scorch, and Splice. That was it but he even thrusted them up to a point. From his past he did trust anyone fully. He learnt that everyone can betray you and a lot will. He knew not everyone will but he still stuck to what he believed in.

He suddenly stopped. He felt something, he turned but their was nothing. But he was sure of one thing someone was watching them. He felt cold eyes watching him closely just Not him. Not them. This gaze was different it was more curious but also deadly. The ground kept walking and Dark slowly moved his hand towards his dagger, he did feel safer with the hilt of his dagger in his gloved hand. He wasn't sure who was following but he knew one thing. They were being followed and watched by eyes of a deadly killer. One that doesn't need to try twice to kill and once they are done they are gone.

About twenty feet away someone stood and watched them. They put down the binoculars they held and pulled out a picture of someone. They looked back up at their target hen back at their picture. The person smiled a little bit and put the picture back in their pocket. 'Got you,' they thought as they moved forward.

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