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"Do you understand your mission?" Asks the unseen voice. The masked figure who was cloaked in darkness grinned under the mask that he never took off. "I do," He said his voice sounding metallic though the mask. 

"Good. You are leaving now, don't fail us." The unseen voice said. 

"I will not fail, you gave me clear instructions." He says standing up looking at the dark screen the unseen voice sat behind. 

"What if your old programming comes back?" Asks the voice. He was silent and then said, "That will not happen and if it does I will fix the error." 

"Good. Now you may leave." The voice said as the door opened and he turned and walked out. "Your new clothes are waiting for you in your ship." The voice adds.

He nods and walks out of the room the door closing behind him. He walked down the hall and to the hanger. He was used to the colorless metal walls of this steel prison he called home. He walked and it sounds echoed off the empty halls. He passes closed doors and he only stopped walking when he came to the hanger. He walks to a ship that was small, too small to be spotted by any ship. He stepped into the ship and sat in the pilot seat. He started up the ship and closes his eyes. 

When he opened them he crashed into the water. He made it to his destination, he opened the hatch to the ship and climbs out. He swam to the large metal pole he saw. He begins climbing it with ease. He had small needles coming out of his gloved hands that allowed him to do this. He didn't change into his new clothes yet. 

He climbed onto the plate form and darted quickly into shadows. He watches closely as a few clones pass by him. He waits and then sees one alone by the edge of the Kamino. He was a cadet still probably graduating in a few weeks. Perfect, he thinks to himself. He then tackles him into the water. He covered the clone's mouth so he couldn't scream. 

The two splash into the water and the clone tried to get away from him but couldn't. The man forces him into the ship and knocks him out...

The man now looking like the clone climbs back up to the platform. He was the clone, he had his memories and how he acted. He smiles and heads into Kamino. His mission had truly begun. 

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