I am just filling in

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Shade's P.O.V

I yawned as I stood outside leaning against a pole. It was too early in the morning for me, mind you that it was only 9:00am however I  was filling in for a friend who claimed to be sick but that was bowl shirt. Yep. Even in the land of the living I still couldn't swear, which is quite annoying I can't even say griff..griff. Yep still can't do it.

I just yawned and pulled off the wrapper for my ice cream bar and put it into my pocket where I will forget about until I actually do my laundry which last happened...wait did I ever do my laundry?......Nope! I did, however, get a washing machine and a dryer. I then just took a bite of my ice cream bar and smiled and how nice and tasty it was. What? Can I help it if I love ice cream? Don't answer that. I finished it and licked my fingers to get the chocolate off. It always bothers me that no matter what type of cholate you eat it always melts in your hand. It even happens to the dead, really why chocolate melts in your hand is one of the greatest mysteries of the universe. That AND where your socks go when you take them off, I personally think there is a sock demon that takes them and...wait...what's going on? I got distracted again didn't I. Great.

Okay. I'll skip what I had to do it was boring and I do now wish to tell it over. I'll skip to when I get home. I got home and just fell into bed and..that's it...well more or less....Okay, Silent is giving me this weird stare now. I think she knows I stole a pair of her socks....I am going to run now. Bye.

Also for the people that read this. I give you permission to die laughing. Bye now.

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