AU: Crest doesn't get rescued

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A/n: he's 10 in this one
Also this is an alternative universes where Crest doesn't get rescued.
For those of you who want to kill Slash. Take a ticket and get in line.

99 stayed huddled in his cage and he shook with fear, he still hasn't gotten over Slash's new favorite way to torture him. It involved a hot iron, cold salt water and a knife. He kept his eyes shut tight so he didn't know what he did, but it hurt more them anything.

The door to the room opened and Slash walked in.  99 moved to the back of the cage and whimpered. The cage door opened and Slash yanked 99 by the hair and pulled him out. He then took a a leash and put it around his neck and then yanked towards the door. 99's only choice was to follow for a few moments he just crawled on all fours then he stood up. Slash held the leash tightly and dragged him along.

As they walked down the halls Crest 99 felt his legs grow weaker and weaker. He suddenly saw door that was slightly opened, it lead to the outside. He didn't realize he stopped but Slash slapped him and shoved him to the cold hard ground.

" wanna leave." He said bending down and  pulling 99 into a sitting position. "Then how about we play a little game..." he said pulling the leash off. "...if you can touch that door in under three minutes. I'll let you go. If not. You stay here with me.". He said. "Time starts now."

99 ran for that door, his legs felt like they were on fire and were going to break at any given moment. His legs gave out when he was arm length away from that door. He began to crawl and his fingertips were so close when Slash grabbed his arm and yanked him back. 99 yelped and did his best to hid his tears. Slash snapped the leash back on and began to pull him away from the door.

He then lead him down he hall, he kept silent knowing his tears would either get him more torture or Slash mocking him...or both. He led him to a cold dark room that set shivers up and down his spine when his bear feet touched the floor.

"Ready to have some fun?" Asked Slash as he slipped off his cloak and threw it over a chair. 99 stared up at him in fear as he backed up and pressed up against a wall. All's you could hear were painful screams and load moans from that room.

Later Slash through him into his cage and said, "That was fun. We'll to it again sometime." 99 just curled up and closed his eyes tightly. His body hurt, his mind was filled with none stop imagines of what happened.

6 years later

99 sat in his cage who was now too big for him, or just about. He was 16 now? Or maybe 15. He lost tack of the days, time, his age, mouths, and years. Everything was just one big blur. His gray eyes were now lifeless, his hair was matted and dirty, his skin was pale and dirty and it clung to his body since Slash only gave him enough food that will keep him alive.

He didn't care anymore if he lived, died, was freed. He is just a broken mess that is impossible to fix, Slash made sure of that. Before he tried to fight back or escape but now...he didn't care. He let himself be dragged out and get abused for hours. He didn't care anymore. Slash opened the cage door and dragged 99 out who just winced a bit.

"Your not that fun anymore," he commented as he lead them through halls, he still kept a leash around his neck. 99 said nothing. Slash looked at 99 who was walking slowly behind him his legs shook as he walked.

Slash just chuckled softly, the 1rst part of his plan was done. Now that 99 was like this, he could start the 2nd part of the plan.

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