Through Time Part 2

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The Chiss girl grimaced. She landed in an ally way and jumped out off the speeder. She is one of the greatest Bounty Hunters ever or will be. How could she miss the that clone, she never missed. She realized that to kill him she'll have to get up close and personal. Plus the person who hired had said that they want prof, so maybe a head or bloody helmet will do. She pulled out a devise that is unknown to this time.

"Cssuzah ch'ah veah CT- 2983 ch'a. k. ch'a Btuzah cart ch'tra ch'at rot'ar to ravzin't racimn'i." She said into it. It beeped a few times the words appeared right above. It said: Clone bin'bi CT- 2983 ch'a. k. ch'a Ch'itrazaso Btuzah cart ch'tra ch'at cart ror to Baseb rot'ar to ravzin't ch'itcotcim ch'un'it. She smiled and put it away.

"Btuzah. vah cart ch'eo!" She whispered under her breath. She then turned and pulled out a knife she had concealed and threw it behind her. It his a police droid, and it went right through him. She smiled and walked over to retrieve her dagger. She took it and placed it back, hidden within her boot.

She stood up and began heading to where her target was but she knew the only way to do that was sneak aboard the Resolute and kill him there.

The Chiss women slid through the halls of the Resolute sightly. It was lights out, so that was a perfect time to kill him. She found her way to the backers. She slid out her dagger and found her way to were Blown lay. She rasied her dagger above Blown's head. She was about to strik down when the alarm sounded and the lights came on. She turned and saw a two Jedi and when she turned back it was Captain Rex who held a gun to her head. She gricemed and clutched her dagger.

"Drop your Weapon!" Said Anakin. She smiled slightly and rasied her hands. She dropped her dagger but before it hit the floor she kicked her dagger towrds the Jedi then she launched her wires out of her wirst and launched them at Rex. It grabbed his two twin blasters and she pulled them out his hands. Then she grabbed them and blasted the lighting. The room went dark once more and she ran out.

She pulled out a round disk and said something into it. Then she through forward and it started to fly forward. She followed it into a room, she stopped in front of a door. She took the disk and opened the door. She walked in and smiled. In the room was Blown and a few other clones.

"k'ir nah can'a, veo ch'usci hsr'ah cart csit'eb vim ran'butuso," She said as she slid out another dagger. She threw it forawrd, there was no time for any of the clones who were watching Blown to react. The dagger cut the air and headed right towards his neck..but it stopped a few inches away. The dagger then flew backwards and into a hand of a guy who was leaning on the wall. Who was not there a moment ago.

"Really? Your this desperate or cash?" He asked with a shake of his head.

"Even a thousand years in the past I can't get away from you?" She asked with a hiss.

"Afraid so," He said twirling the dagger in his hand.

"Your dead," She said as she ran at him and shot him with Rex's blasters. He dogged the blast with ease. He threw the dagger, she caught the blade but at that moment he kicked her in the stomach. She fell over and aimed a kick at him, he stepped back and pulled out a white lightsaber. She growled as she jumped up and let the wires slide down. She began moving her arms and the wires struck. He blocked each one with ease and quick moments. She ran at him with dagger in hand, once she was a few inches away he turned off the lightsaber, stepped to the side and tripped her. He then pulled out a strange device and pointed it at her.

"NO!" She growled as she jumped up, but it was to late he pressed the button and she froze. She just was there frozen in time.

"Who are you?" Asked Anakin who walked in a few moments ago.

"Alastair Hunter," He said with a quick bow.

"Can you tell us what you are doing here and who is that Women?" Asked Rex.

"Simple. I am stopping her from killing him..." He said pointing from the Chiss to Blown who just sat there a little shocked. "...and she is a Time Killer."

"A time what?" Asked Ahsoka.

"A Time Killer is basically a Bounty Hunter who travels through time," He said.

"Wait...travels through time?" Asked Anakin.

"Yes. Both she and I are from about a thousand years in the future," He said. 

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