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Snake wasn't sure what happened or how he got stuck with two clones. All's he knew was he taking a vacation in on come beach. He ran into the two clones and truth be told he had no clue what happened. All's he knew now was he was a pillow for two clones. One was in his lap by the name of Mouse and the other one who's pressed into his side that one was Frost.

A weird thing was that Snake didn't want to hurt these boys, he felt a protectiveness over them. He curses himself mentally he was becoming a marshmallow or a pillow both were a good definition. Or maybe pillow was better since the two clones were cuddling up to him like he was a big pillow.

"Snake?" Asked a sleepy voice from next to him. He looked over at Frost. Frost was a white haired clone with deep blue eyes. "Yeah?" Asked Snake looking down at the white-haired clone.

"I'm hungry," he said softly. "Okay. Come on." He said.

"I'm hungry." He said. Snake sighed, he needed to get up now but Mouse had voted against it since when he stood up Mouse tightened his grip sending Snake back into the couch. Snake then did the next best thing he shifted Mouse so he was holding the young clone in one arm.

Snake then led Frost into the kitchen. Frost sat down at the table and Snake went to the fridge and took out some leftover chines food.  He normally cooked for himself but last night he was too tired to cook as he just settled with takeout. He looked at the white haired boy sitting at his table and then sighed. He looked back in the fridge and got something things. He then made Frost a sandwich which was challenging since he was doing it all one handed. He handed the sandwich to Frost then just warmed up his take-out. He sat down and had Mouse press even closer to him. "Thank you," Frost said smiling eating the sandwich. Snake smiled and nodded at the grinning clone.

After they ate and Mouse woke up and ate Snake found out that they didn't know how to read so he was sitting on the floor of his library with the two clones in his lap showing them how to read. Mouse and Frost ended up falling asleep during the lesson so he took the boys to an empty room and laid them down in the bed. They snuggled up to each other and somehow pulled Snake down with them.

The two clones where curled asleep next to him and Snake just sighed softly. He realized that he was stuck with them both literally and metaphorically. Literally as in they were basically attacked too him. 

He closes his eyes and then something accrued to him. This was a chance to repent for all the evil he did. But will it be enough? It probably never will. Even though he's immortal and has to the end of time to rewrite the wrong. What is done, can never be undone. But maybe he can try.

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