aaray be ashi «pain of others»

40 6 10

*Sighs* I am now doing it to...

A clone sat curled into a corner of a cell on Kamino, he was alone. He guards came in from 5:00 am to 1:00 pm hours everyday. 9 hours. Just 9 hours. The guards that did it to him though the freak needed more. A freak. That's what they called him since that's what he was. He was able to see and feel other people's pain, they thought he was just crazy and so they just threw him in a cell. Sad thing is that he can't be with anyone since he'll just become in more pain since he see's what they been through even the guards which he feels bad for them that they had a hard past. 

One of the guard's mom's died when he was a little boy and his father beat him for it. He felt bad for that guard and hoped that one day he'll be able to find peace with his past. Since he knew how he felt once the guard touched him, he knew. However the clone felt like he deserved this, all of it. He didn't know why he couldn't think of something he did wrong, but he accepted it and when the pain came he shut his eyes and told himself others had worse. That he shouldn't cry this was nothing compared to other people's past. He should know. He felt and seen other people's past. Well the guards past at least, he didn't know anyone else. Just these curle guards and he had a vague memory of brothers but he forced himself to forget them. He knew he wasn't going to escape so what will be the point of remembering them?

He shivered as he curled up closer to him self. They kept the room just cold enough so he'll be freezing but not so cold he'll die. He looked up as a few guards came in, it must have been 5 they were never late to begin. One of them walked over and ripped his once white shirt off. He held him still as the other one took out a sharp objects and slapped his back with it. Pain shot through him as his old cuts began to open and new cuts appeared. He screamed in pain as blood dripped down his back and on to the floor. He slapped his back again with the long metal object that had slight points on it. That continued for a bit then once it stopped he was shoved to the cold floor.

Once he was on the floor they continued and the pain got worse and worse. Today for some reason they were torturing him extra bad today. They had brought in extra stuff to torture him with like a large bucker of ice cold water, salt to rub into his wounds and a bunch of other things that'll leave him battered and broken. Finally they left and they young clone pulled himself back into the corner and curled up. His new wounds hurt more then anything and he felt so sick. He closed his eyes, eventhough he knew sleep wouldn't come he still did just to rest them.

After what seemed like forever the door opened but a guard walked. He froze when he saw the boy he was covered in blood and dirt. He was skinny and he looked around 10 years old or maybe younger or even older. Needless to say it was hard to tell. He walked over and bent down, yes the clone pulled away.

"Hey it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." He said as the boy looked up at him with wide hazel eyes that were filled with fear. The guard sighed and pulled off the helmet to show the face of a clone.

"I'm here to get you out," he said stretching out a hand. The young clone looked at it then back at him. Was this a trick? Was this some type of test. He shook his head and pushed himself deeper into the corner. The older clone sighed and looked at the door, a real guard could at any moment.

"Listen. Please. I just want to get you out of here, but you need to at least try and trust me. Please just take a chance." He said. He held out his gloved hand and the young carefully took it. Suddenly he let it got and yelped. The older clone turned just as a guard swiped down with his blaster. The clone caught it though and snapped it out of the man's hands he then rammed the butt of them gun into his mouth and kicked him to the floor. He stepped on his chest and fired a shot into the man's skull. He dropped the blaster and turned back to him.

He held out his hand again and the young clone took it seeing that what he said was true. The older clone gently picked him up and held him close. The boy whined a little, he didn't like people holding him that close or touching him.

"Can you walk?" He asked. The boy shook his head. "Okay then. I promise I'll put you down once we get to the ship. Okay?" He asked gently. The boy nodded and shut his eyes.

They moved out of cell and quickly and quietly down the hall. The older clone wanted to hunt down each guard and give them what they deserved...but he needed to focus on getting him out of there. He tried to find anyone else that could escape but he found no one. Seems like this little clone was the one and only inmate.

Finally they reached the ship and he put him down. The young clone then ran into a corner and stayed there. He watched the older clone go tell the pilot to take off. He then walked back over and sat down across from him.

"Hey. You think you can come with me so we can get your wounds all patched up?" He asked in a gentle voice.

The young clone stayed were he was.

"Okay...do you have a name." He asked.

The boy still didn't move or say a word.

He let out a breath and said, "My name is Ghost."

He looked at him and smiled just a little. He had a scary name but he seemed so nice.

Ghost smiled and said, "Yeah. Interesting name, I know. But we really need to get you cleaned up and on some fresh clothes."

The young clone nodded a little and inched foward and slowly stood up. His legs shook from underneath him and he took a very uneasy step, he almost fell but Ghost cought him. It was strange he normally felt or sees a person's past or their pain, sometimes both when they touch him. But this time he didn't see or feel anything, well not yet. It doesn't always work the first time. 

"Do you need me to carry you?" Asked Ghost gently. The young clone nodded and felt himself beginning lifted off the ground. He wrapped his arms around Ghost's neck, he finally felt safe.

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