SNOWDAY part 2

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The speeders speed down the snowy ground, they were going fast and they stopped outside the cabin. Inside since Winter and Marr'ad where asleep and Mira and Silver couldn't hear a thing. So the only two people who heard it was Boogie and Bookie, they stood up and walked to the window even though Jessica and Slicer told them to stay seated. They walked over to the window and peeked out. They saw the three people who were well armored and all probably had an armory on them. 

"Hey, Bookie?" asked Boogie.

"Yeah?" Asked Bookie.

"Don't they look like those guys we saw when we took that thing?" He asked.

"They do," he said nodding. They then looked at each other the same word coming to both their heads. Oh oh! they then ran over to Winter and Marr'ad waking them up quickly. 

"What is it you two," Asked Winter sitting up and stretching. They just pointed at the door, she sighed and stood up and walked over. Only one of the people knocked the other two just pressed themselves against the wall. Winter opened the door and said, "Um...can I help you?" Bookie and Boogie sort of hid behind the couch. 

"Are there two clones here that go by the names of Bookie and Boogie?" Asked a deep male voice.

"Why do you ask?" She replied folding her arms. 

"We need to talk to them," He said.

"We?" She asked. 

"Yes." He said and he gave a small nod and the other two stepped next to him. Winter looked at them closely. 

"And if you do not let us in we will come in by force," He then said. Winter sighed and said, "Tell me why you want to talk to them." 

The man sighed and walked in moving her to the side. The other two followed. "Hey!" She shouted water forming around her hand. One of them pulled a gun and said, "Sit down. Couch now."

She just slowly moved over to the couch and sat down. She could already tell that these guys were trained to fight anyone, so she was dead if she even started. The one who lead the group and he then walked over to where Bookie and Boogie were.

"We need to talk," he said sitting down in a chair. 

"About?" Asked Bookie and Boogie at the same time. 

"You took an object that is important to me and my time." He said pulling out a picture of a black box. "You took this. We need it back." 

They looked at each other then back at this guy. "Why?" Asked Boogie curiously. 

"That is none of your business," He said leaning back. The door opened and Mira and Silver stepped out. The man questing the twins sighed. He looked at one of his men and nodded. He went forward and shoved them back into the room and closed the door with him in the same room.

He sighed and turned back to them. "Listen we don't have a lot of time on our hands and we do not want to use force."  He said. 

"What do you mean use force!" Snapped Winter. 

"Just a form of hypnotism." He replied. 

"We are too smart hypnotism," Said Bookie. The man looked at him and asked, "Would you like to take a bet?" 

"Not really," Said Boogie. 

"Then tell us what  you did with it," He said crossing his arms. But before they could answer on the other person in the room spoke up. "King. We need to hurry, they just began to track our ship."

The one called King cursed and said, "Ok. Bishop, please take care of these two." 

"Sure thing," Bishop replied as he walked over to were Bookie and Boogie sat. King stood and walked over to the door where Mira and Silver were. He opened the door and said, "Knight. Get back to the ship." Knight just nodded and left. 

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