Part 1: Project 013

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Warning: this will be bloody and dark!

Immortal hated this part of the day. When his eyes were covered by a metal sheet and wires were attached to his head and all over his body. When he had to answer questions that made no sense and do things that hurt his head. It was always cold in the room, but warmer then his cell or the other room in the place he was in.

"Subject 013! Focus! We asked you a question, respond." Commanded the hard cold voice of one of the many doctors. Immortal or Subject 013 as he as known as currently looks up. He focuses and asks, "Mustfar?"

"Answer the question! Don't ask it." The doctor shouts. 013 feels a tight pinch in the back of his neck and he breaths in sharply. "Mustfar." He then said his voice shook.

"Next question, what do you see?" The doctor asks holding an object up in front of the metal plate over his eyes. 013 tries to see what it was and he focuses hard but he can't. "I... can't sir." His voice comes out soft and shaky.

013 suddenly screams in pain as a sharp object hit his arm. He then felt liquid shoot into his system and shook in the chair he was strapped too.  "Again. Do you see anything?" The doctor asks. 013 closed his right eye helping him focuses. "An apple."

There was a murrmering in the room among the doctors, they talked for only a few moments then one of them asked a question, "Subject 013, do you see better out of your right eye or left?"

"Left." Was his answer. Suddenly the metal plate was removed and they held his head still. 013 tensed up scared more then anything.

A doctor came over with a scaple and some other objects. The doctor began removing 013's right eye. He screamed loudly​ in pain. It hurt so much. Blood gushed out of it and even when they put cloths over the area but it got soaked in blood. 013 cried and tears came out of his left eye. They finally stopped the bleeding and 013 was so close to passing out but he couldn't. There were other tests they needed to run.


When 013 was returned to his small cold dark cell he curled up and put a finger on the bandage that was over were his right eye used to be. He hated these doctors, tests, guards, cold rooms, he just hated everything about this place but this was home for him. He never knew anything but this. However, there was on person he liked and didn't share or was scared off. The guard who brought him his meal. The he came twice a day. Once early in the morning and then once late at night. The guard wasn't mean or cruel. He just brought him his food waited till me was done then left.

He shivers and he cruels up on the metal bed pulling the thin blanket over himself. He was still shaking in pain from them removing the eye. They did give him a painkiller, however, it still hurt more then anything. He already had some scaring in that area already and it just hurt more now. He closed his right eye, he tried to fall asleep but couldn't. So he just laied awake in his small cell that only had a metal bed and the only way out was through a the cell door. The room was made steel and it was always freezing he had gotten frost bite from being this room. The cell door blended into the rest of the wall and there was a small window on it but it was always covered.

The door opens and one of the doctor's came in with a guard. 013 stood up instetnly and followed then out of the room. He was just an experiment. He didn't know what they were doing to him or why they did it. He just answered questions and followed orders.

They led him to one of their white rooms with a operating tables. The guard grabbed him and tied him down. 013 took a sharp breath and shut his eyes. He heard someone walk over and say, "we are ready to begin test 9-5."

To be continued...

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