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The Jedi got thrown against a wall and zapped again by the stranger's weapon. The weapon seemed to look like a staff but had a blaster built into he top. It shot a light blue energy at them and who ever this trainer was they were beating the Jedi.

"I'll never surrender!" The Jedi snapped. The stranger laughed, "I don't want you to Jedi. However, you won't be called that for much longer."

They pulled two round disks and through them my where he Jedi was. It sent out a force field trapping the Jedi. The person walked over and into the force field. They pull out a strange looking divide they suddenly pressed to the Jedi's chest and they screamed. They felt a sharp horrible pain and they fell back. The person stood up and picked up their lightsabers. The shattered it with the same device used before.

"Enjoy your new life." The stranger said and turned and walked away vanishing into the shadows.

The Jedi looked at their hands they suddenly felt weaker, slower, and powerless. They didn't feel the force anymore. Their connection, their power, their balance, it was all gone.

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