Snakeye [WARNING: This one will be bloody and scary]

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A clone groaned he was tied to a metal table. The Republic had sold him to Snake to get some information on exactly how to get Doku. He closed his eyes and took a breath. He felt himself shaking a little and he shot his eyes tight. He didn't even earn his name, all he had was just a number. He didn't even saw Snake yet, someone else had made the trade. He was alone in the cold steel room he couldn't turn his head; for two reasons. One he was to scare too and second there was something on his neck making it impossible for him to move. He closed his eyes tighter and squeezed his hand shut.

"Hey. Relax." Said a cold voice that made a shiver go down his spine. It made the clone shiver coldly.

"Shhhh. Everything will be alright." Said the voice walking over to him and placing both his hands right next to him. "Just open your eyes." He whispered. "Come on and just opened those eyes of yours."

"N-n-no." the clone said shaking a bit. "Just open them, there is nothing to be scared of...well not right now." He said tapping the clones forehead with two fingers. The clone slowly opened his eyes and shrunk back. He was staring right up at a man with dark green eyes and black hair.

"Hello. My name is Snake." He said in somewhat of a playful tone. The clone began to shake a little his eyes wide and fearful. "Y-y-y-your Snake?" He asked.

"In the flesh." He said bowing a little. He just shook in fear.

"So. What is your name little clone?" Snake asked.

"I-i-i don't have one." He said trying not to look Snake in the eye.

"Aw..Now isn't that a shame. But I need to call you something." He said tapping his lip. He just looked away. Scared.

"I got it but it needs to be after our.....little operation," he said with a wicked grin. the clone froze with fear. He looked at Snake his eyes wide.

"Wha-a-a-a-at d-d-d-d-o-o y-yo-o-ou m-mean b-b-b-by t-that?" He asked his voice shaking uncontrollably.

"Now. Now. Say that again but clearly." Snake said in a scolding type of voice.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked again slowly and his voice didn't shake. "Good boy." He said petting the clones head which just made his shiver. Snake just laughed and said, "It means we are going to have some fun. Well more fun for me than you."

He walked away and then rolled a cart over. He picked up a needle and held his head still. He then used his forced his right eye open. The clone tried to close it but Snake made sure it was kept open. He then poked it with the needled and the clone whined softly. He took it out and the clone's eye went numb. Snake then picked up a syringe and stuck it into the clone's arm. The clone's body then went numb. He then put a large gag over the clones mouth and it had a weird smell and taste to it.

"Now we are going to have some fun." He said picking up a scalpel and brought it closer to the clones eye. "This will hurt. A lot." He said then be brought the scalpel down and began to cut at his eye. The clone screamed with pain as the blood ran down his face. Suddenly the clone fell into blackness. The last thing he heard was Snake whisper a name to him, "Snakeyes."

The next thing the clone knows he was in someone's arms. He opened an eye and saw Kal a squad member of his. "Kal?" he asked his voice a little slurred.

"You're awake?" He asked stopping. The clone nodded. Kal carried him into the med bay. He placed him on a bed. He pulled his knees to his chest.

"What happened? How long I was gone for?" He asked.

"Almost a five mouths." Kal sighed. The clone just nodded. He had no memory of the past five mouths.

"Looks like Snake has a bandage around this eye. Can I take it off?" He asked coming closer. The clone nodded slowly. Kal then began to slowly take off the bandage and he said, "Okay. Open your eye." The clone did and Kal took a step back. The clone kept things looked weird through that eye and it really hurt.

"Wha- happened?" He asked. Kal walked forward and handed him a mirror. He took it and looked at himself and he dropped it and screamed.

"Hey. Hey. You're okay." Kal said hugging him. The clone cuddled into him and shook with fear. Kal moved and sat on the bed. Kal began to rub his back while he just was cuddling into him shaking with fear.

"You're okay." He whispered back softly. He just mumbled something.

"What happened?" asked Marz as he ran in. "Is he okay?" He asked Kal.

"He'll be fine," He said as he shooed him out of the room. He nodded and left.

"It hurts," He muttered as he pressed himself closer. "Look at me," Said Kal. He looked up the left eye was wide and brimming with tears. The right one over remained unmoving. Kal took out some fresh bandages and began to wrap it over the eye. "Thank you," He said holding a hand over it. Kal took his hand and brought it down.

"I am a freak..." He said.

"You're not one," Kal said pulling him closer.

"I am. I have an eye of a snake!" He cried burying his face in Hal's Mandolorian armor.

"I don't find it freaky." Said Kal to him as he rubbed his back. "At least we have a name for you now. Snakeyes? How do you like that?"

He nodded. "I like it."

"Okay. You need sleep." Kal said brushing some of Snakeyes hair out of his face. He nodded but when he tried to stand Snakeyes tightened his grip. Kal sat back.

"Can you stay with me?" He asked. Kal slid off his left and a bit of his armor and laid it on the floor. He then sat on the bed and opened up his arms. "Come here," he said. Snakeyes did he curled up in Kal's arms. Kal rubbed his back and pulled a blanket over him. Snakeyes then fell asleep in Kal's arms and then not long after Kal was asleep.

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