Past Wires

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The barbed wire tightened around the wrists of a young clone. It got tighter and tighter. The blood began to seep out and run down his arms. The screams lasted long but they grew quiet when the pain became too much for his throat. But the pain was worse so the screams started again...

Wire suddenly sat up with a gasp. The clone looked down on his wrist and ankles the deep scars still shown. He let out a breath and stood up and walked to the bathroom and splashed water on his face. Wire looks up and suddenly smashes the mirror with his hand. His face didn't stare back it was of his little brother. The one who got murdered. He fell back and looked at his now bloodied hand. "Another bad dream?" Asks a voice from the doorway. 

"Faze? What are you doing here?" Asks Wire. "Besides making sure you take care of yourself? Not much." Faze said walking over and pulling Wire up and bringing him into the other room and cleaned his hand up. "You know. You shouldn't be here alone. You could ask me to stay with you." Faze said as Wire got up when he was done and took out a bottle of whiskey. 

"Wire. Please. Put that away. I already lost Skull to that and now he's just missing. I don't want to lose you. So put that away now." Faze said his voice as normal calm. Wire just opens it and was about to take a drink or well the whole bottle but Faze pulled it out of his hands.

"Sit." Faze said as he led him to the bed. Wire sat down and pulled away. "I know what you're going to say. Faze." Wire said slowly.

"I know that's why I'm not going to say anything." Faze said sitting down next to him. They sat down next to each other in silence for hours. "I miss them." Wire finally said bitterly. "I know." Faze said. 

"Skull didn't have to kill them." Wire said getting angry.  "We both know that Skull went through hell there just like us." Faze said. "I know you miss them. Blink and Riggs. I know I miss them too and so did Skull the last time I saw him. But for the sake of health, you need to let go Wire." Faze said.

"Health? I see them all the time and they are dead. I have nightmares every day and night! You have any idea how many times I held a gun to my hand or a rope around my neck or even a knife to my wrists?" Wire snapped jumping up. 

"Everyday sometimes more. Just like I do and just like Skull did. We all broke there, Wire. We all are still living it in our minds. But we all had something to cover the pain up. Skull became a cold-hearted assassin who is always numb. Me? I lost every single emotion and the ability to feel any pain. For you? Well, right now you haven't found anything to cover your wounds."

Wire looked at Faze and sat down and looked at his hands. "What can I do to cover my wounds? What kind of mask can I even wear?"

"Well, you aren't ever going to get rid of nightmares or of when you see dead people. Unless you take medicine for it which I know you won't. But you can wear your strength as mask Wire. We aren't going to heal from this, we all know that but we can wear masks and the pain won't be as bad to everyone else." Faze said. Wire nodded but he knew this Faze talking to him was just something out of his brain. The real Faze? He has been missioning in action for a week along with Skull. 

"I know." Wire whispers. "Can you just leave me alone right now?" He asks to the nothingness. 

"Fine but Wire. Think about what I said." Faze said then he faded into nothingness like everything else that Wire's mind made up. 

Wire laid back into the bed and let the strength, coldness, numbness and anything else that can block his madness from the word encase him and make a mask. Yes, his mind will aways play the games of what's real and what is not and yes his mind will aways haunt him with nightmares and the whispers. 

But now the world won't have to know and that made a drop of difference to him. Also, he promised that no one shall break him. No one. Why?
Because. You can't break what is already broken. 

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