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"It's not worth it." Said the cold unforgettable voice to Mira. "Love never lasts, it's pointless and not the way off assassins. He'll die just like him." It hisses again.

"No!" Mira said standing her ground. 

"Forget about love. Mira Skyfall. It'll destroy you like it did before or do you not remember?" It hisses. 

"Shut up!" Mira shouts at the blackness that was around her. She knew she was dreaming, though. It was always this dream. 

"He burned! You did nothing you are weak! You aren't an assassin. You are nothing Skyfall!" It says again. "Stop!" Mira said putting her hands over her ears. 

"All you care for will burn! That's your curse Mirana Skyfall! All you love will turn to ash and cinder. All you worked to build will die in flames and you shall drown in them!!!!" The voice booms. 

"NO!" Mira screams as flames surrounded her and she bolted up in her bed. Sweat soaked through her clothes. She breaths deeply and closes her eyes and laid back down in her bed. Fear crept through her, she hated this dream. The fire that always consumed at her that voice that threatened to destroy her from the inside out. 

She opens her eyes and stands up. She quickly showers and ties her reddish brown hair up and sighs. Her silver eyes shown and she turns away and dresses into a hoodie pants and boots. Simple clothes. She walked out of her home and it was raining. It beat down around her and she wishes that the rain can wash away all that clouded her. But it couldn't, rain doesn't work like that.

Her mind drifted back to that horrible night, before that mission. Oh Araton, why? Why? Tears burned her eyes and she wipes them away. She wishes this could go away, the pain and the sorrow she lived with. There was only three people who knew her past besides the ones who made her who she. One of them has been dead for years, the other is missing and the last one. No, she couldn't tell him. He had enough on his shoulders, this will just have him worry more.

She stops and stares at the ground as the rain beats down harder. She then looks up and turns quickly just as someone raised a gun to her and pulled the trigger. 

to be continued... 

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