Don't think of it as punishment....think of it as bounding.

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"Why do I always get pulled in your messes!?" Exclaimed Cutter as he slammed the mop on the floor. 

"Well you were the one who dived at me and knocked over everything," replied Spike as he picked up a table with Flares help.

"Well at least we aren't doing this alone," Sighed Skri looking at Saber, Rocket, Ranger, Rift, and Hex. 

"Yep," Said Skillet as he was picking up trays. Saber and Rocket looked over and smiled then walked over they both were holding a broom. "What are you in for?" Asked Saber to Spike. 

"Driving my brother insane," He replied with a grin.

"You too," they said at the same time. Spike grinned.

"Spark....," began Skri.

"Yeah?" He asked turning.

"Get back to cleaning," He said as he took a broom and began sweeping up the food that was scattered all of the floor. Spike just rolled his eyes and looked back at Rocket and Saber.

"ROCKET! SABER! GET YOUR SORRY KRIFFING HIDES BACK TO CLEANING!" shouted Hex waving her mop like a deadly weapon and knowing her that is was she can use it for as.

"Awwww. Yes mom." Said Rocket and Saber chuckled. The three clones looked at each other with a grin. They then went back to cleaning.

It took a two more hours of cleaning for the mess hall to be cleaned up. "Finally done!" Sighed Rift as he stretched.

"Yeah but we wouldn't have been stuck in there for three and a half hours cleaning the whole mess hall. If it wasn't for Saber, Rocket and Spike." Said Cutter putting his hands behind his head. However they tried to open the door to leave the mess it was stuck. But there was a note there. Skri took the note and read, "As part of this your two squads will be sending the rest of the day together. But don't think of this as punishment....think of it as bounding. Sighed Commander Shroud."

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