Lieutenant Axle

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"Lieutenant Axle. Sir, we have captured the rebels." A stormtrooper said as he walked over to a young man with red hair and a black empire navy uniform. The green eyed lieutenant turns and says, "thank you. I shall take it from here. No troopers, the can wait outside the cell."

"Yes, sir!" The trooper says and does as Axle had instructed. Axle takes a breath and walks into the cell where two rebels were. After some time Axle left the room with the information they had. He hadn't tortured them or did anything to them, he just simply talked to them. 

Axle walked to his room and pulls off his hat which always bugged him. He sits down in his chair grateful that he now had some free time. He pulls out his sketchbook and puts headphones on. He was the still just 16 going to be 17 soon, but no one knew this. Just Axle and Grand Admiral Thrawn.  

Thrawn had saved Axle's life and had Axle be made an officer of the empire. Thrawn had personly trained him and the two became very close. Axle felt that Thrawn was like his father since he never had one. He trusted Thrawn with his life and Thrawn felt the same for Axle since he saved his life once. Axle sighs and looks at his drawing and puts it down and takes off the headphones. The drawing looked 'off' and Axle sighs and rips the page out and tosses it into a trash can. 

He wished Thrawn would come back. Thrawn was on a mission from the Emporer himself and even though Axle knew it was important he really just wanted his friend and father. He had a hard day, he didn't like integrating people. He sighs and gets up and sits down by the window and looks out it. He also needed advice, he wanted to ask Thrawn what he thought about looking for other clones. Axle wanted to do this but wasn't sure if it was a good idea to contact his brothers. After all he wanted to meet other clones, since he was one himself. 

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