Who am I now?

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Clank. Clank. Clank. That's the sound that the chains made when they banged together. However, i didn't care. I also didn't care about the pain that was flooding my body. As for the dogs, guards with electric batons, and crazy sciences chasing me.....yep. I think I definitely care about that. But! I needed to escape this living hell.

I was able to get to a larger landing platform that overlooked rocks and raging rivers. Rain beat down on me and the ground around me. My chasers and cruel overseers came to me holding back the snarling hounds. I turned and took a step back.

"Come here! If you come now, we'll lighten your punishment." One of them said. Not the dog, the guy. If the dog said it I think I'll have some problems. I took a sharp breath and stepped back again, my foot hit the edge knocking off some rocks. I looked at them then back at the killing drop behind me.  

"No..." I said and then I jumped backward. The wind hissed around me as I fell faster and faster. When I hit the water it felt like hitting cement. I stayed under as long as I could so they'll think I was dead. Finally, when my lungs burned I came up and gasped for air. I had floated ways away and I swam further then finally I dragged myself out of the water. I laid on the bank soaking wet and in pain. I just gave into the sleep that I longed for.

The next day when i woke up the sun was shining and I sat up blinking in the bright light. I then moved myself to slaps some water on my face but once my hands it something was off. My face felt...diffrent. I then looked down at the water and I screamed. The person who straied back at me wasn't me...it wasn't a hazel haired and eyed clone. It was a pale figure with black hair and green/blue/gray eyes. I didn't look like, now when I look down at myself my whole body is different. Scars I got from the war were gone...everything that made me was gone..who was I if not a clone...who am I know?

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