I am here for you Vod'ika

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ARC_Trooper_Fives this is for you! The character of Stormy belongs to them not me. Oh and just so you can't say I didn't warn you. WARNING: FEELS AHEAD!

Suddenly Stormy sat up screaming. He had just had a nightmare about Snake that madman had been after him for some time however he was stopped and then vanished. But the nightmares he still got from him were too real and scary to deal with. He shook a bit and curled up in the bed.

"What's wrong?" Came the voice of Rimaragr as he walked into the room. Stormy had run into Rimaragr again a few days ago. He hadn't seen him in over a year and it was nice to have his older brother back.

"I had a dream about Snake," He began. Rimaragr sighed a bit and walked over and sat down next to Stormy. He put a hand on his back and said, "Snake is gone. He can't bother you anymore." The voice he used was caring. A tone he doesn't normally use ever.

Stormy then curled up close to Rimaragr. He sighed a bit and wrapped an arm around Stormy and he pulled him close. "Your okay. It was just a bad dream Vod'ika." He whispered into Stormy's ear as he gently rubbed his back. Stormy just buried his head in Rimaragr's chest.

Rimaragr sighed a bit and got a more comfortable position, he kept rubbing his back and he hummed softly to Stormy. Once Stormy calmed down he was about to get up to leave when Stormy gripped him and ask, "Can you stay with me?"

"Sure thing vod'ika," He replied settling back down. "I am here for you. Always." He whispered as Stormy fell back to sleep. Rimaragr closed his eyes and let himself fall asleep too. 

At some point, Stormy woke up and looked over at Rimaragr who was asleep and still had a hand around Stormy. He smiled a bit, happy to know that Rimaragr actally had a soft spot. He smiled and cuddled close to Rimaragr closing his eyes and falling back to sleep.

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