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The abounded ship had a fowl smell to it. Thrawn crinkled his noise as he walked through with a squad of Stormtroopers​. Thrawn didn't know what comped him to come with the squad but something had. The ship looked like it's been abdonded for about a week, maybe a bit more. The ship must have been belonged to someone of great wealth but the whole ship was a wreak. Claw marks and blaster holes were all of the ship. It was quiet the mystery.

They came to a long row of cells all of witch were open and torn apart. They walked down he hall and Thrawn stopped them. Inside one of the cells was two clones. One was around 14 and the other looked 19 in front of them where two dead bodies to torn apart to tell who they were.

the clone who looked like they were 19 suddenly moved and looked at them with wide eyes. They were alive. Bone thin but alive. "Get them out of there." Thrawn orders.

The clone who was younger was awake didn't see them and yelped when the chains that held him to the walls suddenly were removed. "It's okay brother." the other clone said soothing his younger brother. "People are here. they are saving us." he said.

the young clone calmed down. When Thrawn saw his eyes his own eyes widened. It looked like some animal clawed them out. he clone was bone thin and his red hair was matted, dirty and long. his clothes were rags and stained red. his brother didn't look much worse. exscpet his eyes were a deep greed and his hair was black.

"Bring them to the medical Bay on my ship." Thrawn​ instructioned and the two clones where brought there. Thrawn however looked over the two bodies that were in the cell. One was a clone, he could tell from the dog tag he wore with he took but he couldn't identify what or who the other person was.

back on Thrawn's ship both clones were bandged up and given a well needed bath. they got fresh cloths and warm food to eat. Thrawn came to check on the two clones, the younger one was asleep but the one who was 19 was awake and staring at the floor. "I am not going to make it." he said was Thrawn walked over.

"come again?" asks Thrawn to the clone.

"I am not going to live for much longer. I can't explain how I know but I know. I thank you with all my heart for saving us but please​ I beg of you. Give Axle my eyes, my little brother. he deserves to see. and don't try to save my life. It's my time." the clone said.

Thrawn looked at him and nods. Then clone tells him what to do and how to get Axle to see again. Thrawn​ listens carfuly then left the older clone to spend the last few days of his life with his little brother. the older clone sang to his little brother and held him close. Axle slept calmly when he did that and Thrawn came check on them frequently. Then a few days later the older clone passed just as he said and they couldn't do anything to save him. just as he said. but they were able to get Axle to see again. they gave him his older brother's eyes

Axle was curled up in a bed in the medbays. he couldn't stand to look at himself in the mirror. he couldn't bare see his brother's eyes. he cried hard and cruled up. he felt all alone. he had to watch as his whole squad was murdered. he watched as that horrible creature rip out his eyes and now his older brother was gone.

"Axle?" asks a voice. he looked up and saw Thrawn, he was holding a box and dressed in casual cloths. the young clone nods and Thrawn sat down on the edge of the bed. he hands Axle the box. he opens it and inside his eyes widened. inside where all his brother's dog tags, they were all put one chain and he smiles softly. he then picks up a small datapad and a pair of headphones.

"Before your brother passed, he recorded all the songs you loved and sung them for you." Thrawn​ said. Axle smiles and hugs Thrawn tightly. Thrawn held the young boy close to him. he was still thin and bacta still needed to be used for the scars all around his eyes. Axle didn't let go and neither did Thrawn. he thought of his own brother and thought what he would do if he lost him. he shook the thought and just held the small clone close. Axle fell asleep along with Thrawn. the two were snuggled close, Thrawn was sitting up and leaning against the wall and Axle was curled​ up in his lap.

What happened after that as Axle and Thrawn became closer. Thrawn saw how smart the young boy was and arranged for Axle to stay with him and he'll train him. he did and once Axle was strong enough he rose through the ranks quickly but he always stuck with Thrawn. he was his little Shadow as people called him. wherever Thrawn was Axle wasn't far behind.

Thrawn became like a father to Axle and Axle like a son to him. Axle learnt all about chiss culture and traditions. he also learnt how to speak it along with other languages. He also discovered he had a true talent  for art which Thrawn got him whatever he needed to improve and work on it. Thrawn also thought him other cultures and anything he was interested or knew, he even had him meet his brother which involved Axle getting a bit spoiled with candy.

Thrawn also had learnt about what happened to Axle and his brother's. he let horrible for the young clone and anytime he had a night mare or just wanted someone to be with. Thrawn always made sure he was their for the young clone. No one knew how close the two actually we're. everyone thought they were like a student and teacher but it was much more. it was father and son.

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