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ECT-P4 sat in the small ship trying to remember what had just happened. He remembered beginning in that same cold cell like room. The door being busted open being grabbed and dragged out by a clone his age. Being shoved into the ship and the place they were made exploding. Wow. Today must be Tuesday.

He looked at the other clones who were made with him. ECT-K5, ECT-K1, ECT-B2, and ECT-R3. They all were made in the same place by cruel scientists. Eventhough there was not many of them. They all were Experimental Clone Troopers the scientists thought they will die quickly bit nope. These five clones were strong, healthy and fast. Not to mention since being experimented on enhanced their speed, strength, intelligence, agility and a bunch of other things in that list.

Blowing up that place was not their fault someone blow it up in hopes to kill them. That failed. They now headed to Kamino to talk to Jango hoping he could help them. They were all 12 and the thing was they aged normally so they were older but younger then the other clones. One of their trainers had escaped with them. He wasn't mean really just very strick. The ones who died though were crule and cold.

"We need names," said R3 looking at his bothers.

"You got an idea I take it?" Asked B2 broadly.

"Actually yes. Since we are just basically human meat shields and chess pieces to the Republic we can go from there. I'll be Rook." He said. He then pointed to B3 and said, "You'll be Bishop..." he then pointed to K5 "...King..." he pointed to K1 "Knight and Pawn." He said when he pointed to P4.

"Really best you can do?" Asked Bishop.

"You got any better ideas?" Asked Rook.

"No. But why is he King?" Bishop asked pointing to King.

"Maybe cuz he's the guy who normally leads us," Rook responded. Knight rolled his eyes and sat back. King let out a breath and shook his head. Pawn sighed and listened to Rook and Bishop's bickering. They kinda reminded him of an old married couple. He smirked at that. He looked at Knight who sat back in the chair, he was the silent one. However you don't want to be in the room if he gets loud. Bishop the one can get annoyed easily and is all about business, no time for play. Rook the more laid back one of the squad, werid part is the medic and the jokester. King, the leader, calm, patient, and ready for the job at hand. Then there was Pawn. He was also quiet like Knight but he thought out everything before he makes his move. He's a slight mix of the whole group and he's the mechanic/pilot to the squad.

This squad is going to be one of a kind. Mainly because they are crazy and impossible to replace but they are all ready and willing to play this game. Plus Rook really wants them all to say after every mission "Checkmate." Which Bishop wants to through him out of a building for. But they love each other and will protect each other to the end. Since that what brothers do.

"This is going to be fun," sighed King as he stood up to pull Bishop off of Rook. Pawn chuckled and Knight rolled his eyes thinking what did I do to get stuck with these morons?

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