maybe this will help

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I know people on Wattpad and in real life can be a real jerk. But I want you to know your not alone. I've been bullied to the point where I refused to go to school. I've had someone tell me god is going to kill me and robbers are going to rob my house. I was in kindergarten then.

I've had a girl emberss me in front of my whole class. Who hit me once. Who was able to get my whole class turn against me and get my one firend to say to me, "I'm just not your firend anymore." I also had my best friend leave me for reasons I have no clue about. I've been left alone so many times I can't count.
I was also almost asulted in a very unclean way.

I am posting this to show you that even though you've been hurt. Your not alone. I've been hurt as well but I kept my head up and was able to pull through. I didn't do it alone though. I had my mom who kept me strong and my brother who wanted to beat up the girl who hurt me. I've had this one firend who stood by my side and will never left.
Your not alone. You never will be.

Tag whomever you think should hear this.

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