Marr'ad and Winter's story Part One

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Special thanks to @ChristianWriter16 for letting me use her characters and helping me with the story. 

 Marr'ad and Winter walked stood on a lookout point on Coruscant. "I love this view," She sighed leaning on his shoulder. He just put an arm around her and pulled her close as they just stood there. He then put his hand in his pocket and sighed.

"Something wrong?" She asked looking at him.

"No. I am good." He said giving her a lopsided grin. She just chuckled and kissed him on his cheek.

"But there I something I want to ask you." He said looking at her.

"What?" Asked Winter moving her brown hair out of her face. He turned to her and said, "I'll ask in just a few moments."

She rolled her eyes and she walked over to a bench and sat down. Marr'ad followed and put her arm around her. They sat there just looking at the sky. "Thank you." She said.

"For what?" He asked pretending to sound shocked.

"Bringing me up here to watch a sunrise." She said leaning against his shoulder. "Oh. That," he said.

"Yes. That." She said smiling and snuggling closer to him. He smiled and put an arm around her, she sighed happily.

Then after a few moments just as the sun began to rise Marr'ad stood up and turned to her. "Winter. I need to ask you something." He said seriously.

"What?" She asked sitting up straight. He got down on one knee and pulled out a small box, he opened it and there was a diamond ring. "Winter..." He began. "...Will you marry me?" He asked sounding a bit nervous. Winter just had a hand over her mouth and tears began to fall down her face. "Yes." She said smiling from ear to ear. He took the ring and put it on her hand. She then hugged him tightly...well more like tackled him. He hugged back.

"I love you so much." She said looking into his eyes.

"I love you two." He said. They then kissed as the sun began to rise.


The next night.....

Marr'ad and Fuse sat in their barracks and Marr'ad looked at Fuse and said, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Said Fuse glancing up.

"You know Winter right?" He asked calmly.

" like her a lot." Fuse replied a bit blankly.

"Well yes...and I asked her to marry me..." He said. "So...I was wondering..if..well you can be the best man?" He asked.

"Wait. What?" Asked Fuse who suddenly became very confused.

"I asked Winter to marry me and she said yes. So I was wondering if you can be the best man?" Marr'ad asked.

"Of course, I will." He said and Marr'ad went over and gave him a quick hug. Fuse just smiled but he was still truly a bit confused.

However unknown to them there were to people listening outside the door. They looked up at each other and grinned. They then ran down the hall and when they got far enough they began laughing for reasons that only they will know.


A few months later...

Winter and Marr'ad sat in a side room on a ship. They were working on wedding details.

"We won't have an enough room for all your brothers." Said Winter putting down a data pad.

"I know," He said.

"So about 50?" She asked.

"That will work." he said, "But others might just show up."

"I don't mind. But we have to invite Silvern." She said.

"Of course." He agreed. Suddenly there was a noise that came from outside the door. They both looked at each other and sighed.

"What about Boogie and Bookie?" Marr'ad as he moved closer to the door.

"I was thinking maybe they can be the floor girls. I think I know someone who can make them such perfect pink, flowery dresses." She said standing.

"I completely agree." Marr'ad said opening the door and then Bookie and Boogie fell in. Boogie and Bookie looked slightly scared at first then they burst out laughing. They just laid on the floor and Marr'ad shook his head. Winter just smirked.

"You two are joking right?" Asked Boogie. Marr'ad and Winter both just looked at each other then back at them and just smiled sweetly at them. Both Bookie and Boogie became slightly nervous, they looked at each other than scrambled up and out the door. Then down the hall and into their barracks.

"Do you think they were joking?" Boogie asked Bookie.

"I honestly don't know," Bookie said. They just looked at each other and shook at the thought of them wearing pink flowery dresses. They looked back at each other in the hope that they were joking.

To Be Continued...

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