Snow's Fall

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A/n: this is going to be dark. I am serious. You have been warned. 

The clone put his hand back in the icy soapy water, the brush he was using to scrub the floor made his hand sore. But he pulled it on and put the brush to the floor and continued to scrub it. His hands ached, his knees where sore and a bit scraped. But he forced himself to contiue to clean the floor. His master made it clear that the room had to be spottles. His body still ached from last time his master punished him. He heard the door opened and he quickly turned and bowed his head. He knew who it was but he kept silent till he was spoken took. 

"Good job, clone." Drkel commented as he looked at the room. "Thank you master," the clone said softly. 

"Ah. But you missed a spot," He said walking over to him and turning his head to the floor that was still dirty. The clone quickly nodded and grabbed the brush and scrubbed at it till it was clean. Drkel bent down and gripped his shoulders. "Good." He said. The clone gasped a little and nodded. He didn't like Drkel being so close to him. He let go and stood up, he patted him on the head and said, "Good job to day." The clone just nodded. 

"You may clean up, but I want to talk to you after. Meet me in my study." He said as he turned and left. The clone shivered as he cleaned up and put the bucket and brush away. He then washed his hands and headed to the study. He knocked on the door and Drkel answered and told him to come in. The clone came in and stood there waiting for an order. 

"Sit down," He said and the clone walked over and sat down. Drkel began talking to him to re-brainwash him. Drkel had bought this clone off the cloners for a high price and he erased his memory but this clone still got flashes of his past. Drkel didn't want that, this clone belonged to him. 

"Okay. Now get some rest, you have more work tomorrow." Drkel said. The clone nodded and said, "Yes master." He stood up and by accident bumped the table and the ink that sat on it spilled. The clone dropped on the floor and said, "I-i-i'm sorry master." 

Drkel sighed and simply moved the papers that where on the desk and he stood up. He walked over to the clone and pulled him off the ground. "Clean this mess up and meet me in your room." He said lowly. "Yes master." He said keeping his head down. Drkel left the room and the clone cleaned it up. He knew what was coming; punishment. 

The clone walked into his room where Drkel was waiting with a whip. "Remove your shirt," He ordered the clone did so and moved over to Drkel. He sat down and let his back face him. Drkel began mercilessly whipping the clone. The clone bit his bottom lip and whimpered as the whip burned his skin, he also knew that he wasn't probably going to sleep tonight and not eat until the next day. This was standard punishment that he deserved...

A few years later

The slave clone stumbled through the bitter snow, he was freezing in his thin shirt and pants. He remembered and knew nothing of his past. The wind blew hard and knocked him over, he just curled up in the snow. The intense cold burned his frail body, but suddenly he felt a warm hand on his shoulder, he looked up and saw an armored figure staring down at him. He was suddenly lifted into the person's arms and then everything faded to black.

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