Promise?[FEELS WARNING! Also a bit gory]

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A/n: The character of Solar and Arete don't belong to me. They belong to Storm-Shadows7 who is awesome and you need to check them out!

Solar was walking outside on a cool night, as he was walking over he saw a figure laying just up ahead. He ran over and saw the face of a young clone, he looked around 15. Solar cursed as he picked him up and carried the young clone back to were Arete was. 

"There you are. Where were yo-" Arete when she saw him but she stopped when she saw the clone in Solar's arms. 

"What happened?" She asked.

"No clue. I just found him like this." He replied a bit gruffly. He then laid the clone down. He then woke up, he looked up at Solar a Null trooper and Arete a princess. 

"Who are you two?" He asked as he backed up.

"It's okay," Said Arete in a kind voice getting over her surprise. "I am Princess Arete and this is Prince Solar." 

"I'm....I'm..." The clone began then he stopped. 

"What's the matter? You don't know who are you?" Asked Solar. The young clone then nodded. 

"Really? You don't remember you name?" Asked Solar.

"I think my name is Crest," He said in a low voice. Solar sighed a bit annoyed realizing that this clone remembered nothing of his past. The clone just looked up at Arete his clothes were dirty and wet. 

Solar just looked at him and then asked, "So kid. Do you remember anything?"

Crest opened his mouth but then closed it. He did remember a few things but he didn't say them. He then sneezed a few times. Arete handed him a tissue. "Thank you," He said taking it. He blew his nose and then tosses it into a garbage can close by. 

"I think I have some medicine for that cold." Said Arete as she left the room. "I don't want to take the medicine." He said.

"It'll help you. You are going to take it," Solar said folding his arms. "Okay...fine.." He said quietly. 

"You need to change out of those clothes," Said Solar grabbing some old clothes of his. Crest just looked up at him and shook his head.

"Just change into them," He said. Crest then shook his head. Solar just walked over and bent down to him. "Just change the shirt," He said. Since the shirt was the one that was soaking and dirty the pants too but the shirt was worse. Crest finally nodded and slowly took off his shirt and he tried to grab the fresh shirt that Solar was holding but it was out of his grasp. Solar stared at him wide eyed. Crest's chest had a Y-shaped scar on it like someone had just cut him open and then sewn him back. He also had a bunch of other wounds on his chest, back, arms, and one on the back of his neck. He also had a few tattoos on his body.

"Who did all these to you?" Asked Solar in a low voice. Crest didn't reply he just sat there and tears formed in his eyes. Solar just whipped away his tears and handed him the fresh shirt. Crest put it on.

"What happened to you?" Asked Solar then.

"They dissected me.." He replied in a quiet voice. Solar hugged Crest gently as Crest began to cry.

"Do you know why?" He asked.

"Not fully...but I do know they did since I can 'see' and use the force," Crest replied his voice shook from the memory. 

"Did they put you under?" He asks.

"N-n-no," Crest says quietly.

"Oh. Kid." he says huggin Crest closer. "You're okay. You're safe. I swear that no one will ever hurt you again," Solar says. Crest just cuddled closer to Solar and he just held him tight. Inside he was planning to hunt down the people that did this to Crest and rip them apart.

"Promise?" Asked Crest suddenly. "Do you promise that no one will hurt me again?"

"I do. I swear, I won't let anything happen to you. Ever." Solar said pulling him closer. Crest soon fell asleep in Solar's arms.

"I promise. Vod. I promise."

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