Fox's beginning

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A/n: Getting out some built up emotion. this one will be dark and sad!

Fox giggled as his older brother tackled him and began tickling him. "Let me go!" Yelp's the cadet as he tried to get out of his brother's grasp. 

"Make me," His brother said as he turned him upside down. Fox laughed and tried to get out of his grasp. "Let me go!" Fox said wriggling around. 

"Nope!" he said. Fox giggled more but a cold sharp voice stopped him. "CT-0324! You should be training!" 

"I am sorry...sir." Hero a.k.a 0324 said or big brother know by Fox. 

"You don't speak unless I tell you can. Understand!" Snapped the person slapping him. Hero held his rage in and his anger down. He only nods and the trainer growls and says, "If you are not in the training room in five minutes I'll be holding you underwater for every minute you're late." Again Hero nods and takes another hit. "And you better get to where you are supposed to be." He spat at Fox who hid behind Hero. 

The trainer who was a Jedi then leaves and Fox hugged Hero tightly. "It's okay. He's gone now." He said to his little brother softly as he held him close. "I won't let him hurt you." 

"But you let him hurt you," said Fox.

"I can take a few punches..but when it comes to him hurting others...I can not just do nothing." Hero said as he walked Fox to where he was supposed to be. "Don't you have to go to that mean-old trainer? He's going to hurt you if you don't." Fox said looking at him with worry.

"Fox. I'll be okay, I am not afraid." He said as he hugged him close and gently kissed his head. 

"Why? Why are you never afraid?" He asked. "Well, I do get scared at times. But I have learned not to let people see it. But it's okay to be afraid." 

"Like how I am scared of him?" Fox asked. Hero nods and says, "Rember. Fear keeps you alive. It gives you an edge." Fox nods taking this to heart like every other part of the advice that Hero gave him. 

"Now. Go on and get to training. Cuz one of these days you're going to beat me." He said. Fox had trouble with training things and Hero was always making challenges for him and games. Hero won, but Fox kept trying to beat him and he was getting close. 

Fox smiles and nods and scurries off. Hero smiles softly as his brother runs off. He then heads to his trainer knowing that a bucket of water was in his future. 

When Fox finally got to see Hero he was a bit pale and moving slightly slow. "Vod?" He asked as he curled up in his lap and snuggled his head into his chest which was a little damp. 

"Hey. I am okay." He said ruffling his hair hiding the pain and burning in his throat. He didn't want Fox to be scared or worried about him. Fox nods and lays back against Hero who says, "Fox. I got something for you." He said.

"What?" Asked Fox as he looked up with big hazel eyes. Hero then places a chain around his neck and it's a military necklace that had a dog tag thing at the bottom that said one one side. His number and his name then on the back was a message to Fox. Fox read in carefully then Hero handed him a stuffed animal of a fox. Fox hugged him tightly. "Thank you! Thank you!" He said snuggling close. "No problem, vod'ika." Hero said bopping his nose and Fox grinned. Fox cuddled the soft Fox and Hero laughed and ruffled his hair.

Fox stayed in Hero's arms till he fell asleep. Hero smiled down at Fox's sleeping form. He gently picked him up and carried him to his bed. He tucked Fox into bed and pulled his stuffed fox close to Fox. "Sleep well, ner vod'ika." He said gently kissing the top of his head. Fox smiled in his sleep as he hugged the stuffed cuddly animal.

He then stood up and left. His trainer said he walked to talk to him tonight. However he didn't know his little brother woke up and followed him silently clutching the small stuffed fox close to him.

He watched his brother walk outside in the rain to meet with his trainer. Fox hid behind a box and watched.

"0324! Why did you keep me waiting! The trainer hissed. Hero looked at him and spoke. "I was putting my little brother to bed."

The trainer made a face that looked like it was the most gross thing he ever heard. He then punched Hero hard in the stomach and slammed the hilt of his lightsaber into Hero's head. Hero fell to the wet metal ground groaning.

The Jedi trainer ignites his lightsaber and holds it too Hero's throat. "Too bad lightsaber can't draw blood. I've been waiting to spill yours for a while." He said with sadistic glee to his voice. He then shoved the blade through Hero's shoulder and used the force to keep him from screaming. Yes he wanted to hear this clone scream but he would rather him be silent them people coming and stopping him.

Fox just watched in horror as his big brother was tortured and the shoved off of the building. However right be for all of he fell of the building he cought Fox's eyes and mouthed the words 'I love you my little brother.'

Fox was to scared to move from his spot he hugged the stuffed animal tightly. He was shaking, suddenly he felt his body being picked up and against the floor hard.

"You little brat!" Snarled the trainer. Fox whined a bit in pain but the trainer punched him knocking him out. The trainer started at the unconscious boy. He wanted to kill him too, heck he'll kill all these freaks. But he could use him making listen to orders and do everything he's told. Now with his older brother gone. It'll be that much easier to break him to his will.

Ever since that day Fox was trained and tortured and made to follow any order give. But never did he forget his brother. He even hid the small stuffed Fox that Hero had given him. But they beat him till that just became a faded memory...but the memories where still there. They were buried but still there.

When you don't follow orders bad things happen. When you do follow orders worse things happen.
-The moto that Hero lived by and soon Fox will live by.

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