Order Of The Dark Knights

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X'lor's hands where bond the same as his feet. He was being arrested for working with the separatist and for selling them plans for the republic. He stood there and stared at the Jedi who was going to integrate him. Her name was  Aayla Secura, he then looked at his bounds and over at the clone trooper who held his weapons. "Whatever you're thinking. Stop." Said Commander Bly glaring at him.

"I wasn't thinking anything Commander." He said respectively. "Merely looking at my surroundings." 

"Right..." Said Bly rolling his eyes.

"I speak only the truth Commander." He said. Bly just ignored him and faced forward. X'lor just smiled and looked around again. Very soon he was transported to a ship with Senate Guards. He was brought into a cell and he sat down. Aayla Secura walked in front of him but before she can even speak he said, "I actually was expecting another Jedi that was much better with the force in a mind aspect. Not in combat." But even when she opened her mouth he cut her off again by saying, "Also. You aren't getting anything out of me Jedi filth." 

She frowned when he called her that. "What did you call me?" She asks a bit shocked, though. No one spoke to Jedi like that.

"Jedi filth. It's what you are." He said calmly. 

"Jedi aren't filth." She said looking at him. "Really?" He asks with a sneer. "Tell me why you aren't filth? You only care about finding peace in yourself. You only care about the peace within you previous order." He says.

"We are peacekeepers." Was all she said. 

"You guys are narcissistic. The only things you do are hunt down Sith, but I'm pretty sure the Sith now and for a long time just had been fallen Jedi." He said leaning back. "And you didn't answer my question. So let me ask you a simple one then, did you ever make a Clone Trooper a general since he was good enough to handle it? Or even say thank you for what they have done or say you're sorry for all their brothers who have died in battle? Or if a clone was captured did you go after to help them?" 

She stood there glaring at X'lor; she shook her head and asked, "Did you sell plans to the-" But he cuts her off before she can finish. By saying, "You dodge the question again. Did you know emotions are universal? Every species has the same facial expressions and do the same thing when it comes to emotion. Some focus on one emotion than the other and from you; it sounds like you are not wanting to answer because you are exactly what I say." 

"Jedi aren't!" She snapped. He stood up and said, "You are. You are too scared to admit it. You say you are peacekeepers but what have you done to keep the peace? What? Give me a good reason to make me believe that you are what you say." 

"We fight to end the clone wars." She said.  "No. You don't you just lead the attacks and let the clones troopers fight them. You do nothing. A thousands of clones die every day and how many Jedi do, hmm? None? Maybe one or two on a rear occasion and when they die the whole order morns but a clone dies. You do nothing. You just shake it off. You are no hero. You are no peacekeeper. A real general would give their troops would die for their troops, or be ready to die with them. You aren't."   

She was silent and just looked at him. Even the clones who stood in the hallway where.  "What I say is true." he said simply. He then moves his hands and the bands fall to he floor he then slides the table at her. She hits the rayshield and groans a bit. He then jumps on the table putting his wight on it making it harder to move. "Listen hear Jedi. I'm going to give you two choices. One, leave the order and follow what you want. Two, Stay with the order and die. What do you chose Jedi?" He asks. 

She pushes the table off with the force and pulls out the her lightsaber. He looks at her and sighs. He then stands up, he then gets into a fighting stance. She runs at him but he was ready for the attack he side steps and kicks down on her back. She winces in pain and staggers. He then kicks her again so she hit a wall. She raises her lightsaber and he just grabs the blade and moves it out of the way. "Gloves. They protect me from your weapon Jedi." He then punches her. The people in the hall watch with was three clones and a two senate guards. What he said was true. They didn't help, they watched. The three clones where close to helping but something was stopping them. They realized that she never said thank you for what they have done or say you're sorry for all their brothers who have died in battle. 

The next thing the people in the hall knew he was standing outside his cell. The Jedi Aalya Secura was dead. They pointed his blasters at him. He raises his hands and says, "I'm not going to kill you. Any of you. I'm only after Jedi, please let me go though. Let me finish this mission I have."

"What's the mission?" Asked one of the Senate guards. "I'm sorry sir, but that's classified." He said to him. "But I can tell you all if you join me. Help me make this right and I promise you. All of you will be treated how you should be. These Jedi aren't going to help you and yes. I do admit not all Jedi are bad but a lot are. Join me." He said to all of them. 

Commander Bly walks in and freezes. He pulls out his blaster and points it at X'lor. "What's going on!" He demanded. One of the three clones looked at him and said what happened. "You guy's can't join him! We have a duty to the republic." He says.

"You do and the republic should win this war. But not by the Jedi. It's your own choice to join me or not. If you chose not to I respect that and I will let you live. I will fight however to leave. It's your choice." He said bowing his head. "And I am sorry for killing your general. I know you did respect her and I do know you fought beside her but-" He was cut off by Bly saying, "I understand what you're saying...but I just can't...." He said. 

"I understand that commander." X'lor says looking at him with kind eyes and speaking with a gentle voice. "I want to join." Says one of the the three clones and one of the senate guards. X'lor nods and looks at Bly and the other guard. They step out of their way. "Thank you." Said X'lor bowing his head to them. "And thank you for both you're survives." He then leaves with the three clones who went by the names of: Lucky, Cameron, and Flash. The guard's name was Hunter. 

They followed him to a ship that was already waiting for him. He walks on the lowered ramp followed by the four people. "Thanks Arata, it took longer then spectated." He said sitting down next looking at a black haired girl with dark eyes. "Of coarse X'lor." She says she then looks up at the small group and says, "welcome to the order of the black knights or whatever cooler name you can think of for the group." She smiles at them and goes to take off in the ship. 

"How big is this group?" Asks Cameron. "There are 120 people in this group currently." He said. 

"That's enough for a small army." Said Hunter. "I know." X'lor sitting back.

"You're in charge?" Asks Flash. "Yes. But I know all 120 people by name and how they look and why the joined." He said. 

"So. You know each of them personally?" He then asks. 

"Yes," He says nodding. "I find it's better if I know them so I can lead this group better." 

"So. What is you're mission?" Asks Lucky.
"My mission? It's to change the galaxy." He said. 

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