A/n: Republic Commando's (book series)

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I have read the first book in the Star Wars: Republic Commando Series.
I am in love with...


You guys are just awesome!!!! I love them. But poor Atin *Hugs him* YOU POOR BOY! *Starts sobbing*
Darman, you better kiss her next time. *folds arms*
Fi. You're funny and awesome. *Hugs him* and I am not letting go of you.
Niner, I think you should really get some Biology books about alien species.

Anyway a question for those who read these books. I am reading the first 3 definitely but should I read the last two (Star Wars Republic Commando: Order 66 and Star Wars Imperial Commando: 501st)
I'm worried since they are about Order 66 and after I'll cry and I hate reading stuff about order 66. So PLEASE PLEASE tell me. Are they worth reading?

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