Order 65

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Order 65 was one of the that the of the were trained to carry out in the event of different emergency scenarios during the . Order 65 stated that if a majority of the or the declared that the —at that —was unfit for duty, the Chancellor was to be captured or, if necessary killed.

"Are you sure about this?" Asked Lierra Forin part of the sacrity council.

"Yes, I have seen his darkness. Please, you have the power to enact this. You are the only person who will listen to me," Begged Scia a new Jedi Knight. 

"Don't you have troops? You can order them too..." She began.

"No. I can't. It's not the right way to do this. Yes, my troops will help if need be. But this is the right way to do this. Please Lierra, you're my best friend. Please trust me." Sica said.

"I do trust you, but what if something happens?" She asked.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." Promised Scia looking at her friend. 

"Okay. I'll do it when the Senate meets tonight." She promised. Lierra nodded and asked, "I shall do my best. But what if this doesn't work?"

"Then I have a small group of clone troopers who are willing to do this. Even though it means sacrificing their life's and freedom for when the war ends." She said. "Plus I can not give the order."

"Alright. But I am going to need proof of this." Lierra commented. "Here then," she said handing her a small data pad. She took it and looked it over her eyes widening.

"How did you get this?" She asked.

"A clone trooper. I am not sure how he found this out at all but I trust him." Scia replied. Lierra nodded and said, "Okay. I'm meeting them in an hour. I'll call you and tell you what happens."

"Great." Scia said smiling. She then hugged Lierra and she hugged back.

Else where

Clockwork paced nervously. Dark just sat in the chair sharpening a dagger. Splice sat there looking at the floor his hands folded together. His leg went up and down nervously. Scifer was fiddling with a weird gadget aimlessly. Nion stood leaning against the wall fiddling with a dog tag necklace that Hood gave him as a birthday gift. It had his name and number engraved on the thin small sheet of metal.

Scia then walked in and they snapped to attention. Well everyone Dark he just stood up and swung the dagger around in his hand.

"Well General?" Asked Scifer nervously.

"Senator Lierra said that she will try and talk with the security council." She replied. They nodded and Scifer let out a breath.

"Did you give her what I found?" Asked Clockwork.

"I did," she replied.

"Thank you General." He replied bowing his head.

"Do you have a plan in case they don't give the order?" She asked them.

"We do." Said Nion stepping forward a bit. "Our plan is that if they don't give this order. Tonight after the Senant meeting Dark, Clockwork and myself will go to his office saying we found something urgent we need to show him or something like that. Scifer then will cut the video feed and lights, then Splice will come and hold him back. Then Dark will deliver the killing blow but Clockwork and I will stand by in case something happens."

"Great. Do you have a plan B though?" She asked.

"Yeah. I just kill him." Dark said swinging his dagger around then he slid it in its spot in his armor.

"How?" She asked looking at the tall black haired clone.

"Simple I go into the building across the street and use a stolen sniper from a bounty hunter." He said folding his arms and leaning back onto his heels.

She let out a sigh and nodded. "Okay. We have about an hour until Lierra called me and tells me what is going to happen. You guys should rest." They nodded and then walked to the barracks. However Dark went to the training room and began to train, Nion saw this and followed.

"What?" Asked Dark as he through a few punches to a worn out punching bag that had been stitched together many times.

"I came to see if you where okay with this plan." He said calmly. Dark just shrugged and said, "Don't really care. I just want that kriffing di'kut dead." He then brought his leg up and kicked the bag so hard the chain it was on broke and fell to the ground. Nion took a step back in surprise.

In the meeting of the Security Council

"Well Senator Forin, you said you had an urgent matter to bring up?" Asked another member of the Security Council.

"Yes, I have reason to believe that the Chancellor Palpatine is corrupt and we must in act Order 65." She said in an authorized voice.

"Why say this?" Someone asked.

She took a breath and pulled out the data pad. "Because of this." She said showing them. They looked at it and their eyes widened. "This completely true and it has not been tampered with. I also showed it to a Jedi and they said it was ture."

"It seems like we should enact this Order." Said the senator who asked why she said what she said. After a while they all agreed that they should do his. They stood up and headed to where they could enact Order 65. Lierra move to the side to call Scia.

"They said yes. We are about to enact Order 65 and go to where Chancellor Palpatine is. We then are going to discuss this with the Senate." She explained. Scia just nodded in reply and said, "Thank you Lierra."

"Of course." She said. Then she ended the call.

Scia went to get Clockwork, Splice, Scifer, Nion and Dark. These five weren't a squared but they did fight well together.

Some time later

The door to Chancellor Palpatine's door opened and the sound of troops echoed through the room as troopers came in. The Senator's of the Security Council also came in along with a few Jedi.

"What is this?" Palpatine asked standing.

"Chancellor Palpatine we are enacting Oder 65. We are removing you from office." the head of the Security Council said standing up strait. "You are being removed from office and taken into custody. Troops. Arrest him."

The troopers advanced and the Chancellor growled slightly. His hands began to spark with force electricity. He then zapped the closest clones and they went down.

"The time has come. Excuse Order 66!" He shouted. The clones made no move they just had their guns trained on him. "Sorry. But the organic chips have been deactivated." Said Lierra.

The Chancellor then growled and took out his red lightsaber. "Shoot!" Ordered a Jedi. The trooper open fire but the Chancellor blocked the bullets with the lasers.

A battle soon broke out, the Chancellor ran down the hall blocking bullets and lightsaber attacks. Suddenly he felt a pain in the base of his neck. He turned and saw a clone trooper holding a blaster pointed at him. His armor was basically colored all black. The Chancellor then shot him with force lightning. But he jumped out of the way letting the lightning pass. The Chancellor the charged at him swinging his lightsaber at his head. He docked and rammed his knee into his gut. Then he grabbed the Chancellor's hand and turned so his lightsaber cut into him. The trooper took out another lightsaber and igniting it sending it right through the Chancellor's heart. However it looked like he just used the Chancellor's own lightsaber not another one. Palpatine fell to the ground and the trooper took a step back, he did get a injury from the lightsaber to his shoulder. He then began to walk forward but stopped feel a pain in his stomach. He looked down there was a red light, the Chancellor made a final blow to he trooper who had killed him.

The trooper fell to the ground gripping his stomach. "Dark!" Splice yelled seeing his brother fall to the ground. He ran next to him, Dark fell against him in pain.

"You'll be okay Vod," said Splice as someone called a medic. Dark's vision faded to black as he was placed on a stretcher.

A/n: Btw Order 65 is a real order that is cannon.

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