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A/n: Okay I am giving you all Winter's past (Marr'ad ChristianWriter16 's OC's wife.) Btw Lila's Winter

"Lila? You okay?" Asked a voice. Lila looked up her long brown hair hung at her sides. "I am alright Lucia." She said with a quick breath.

"You scared?" Asked Lucia walking over to her. She nods slowly, "I don't want to fight tomorrow." She said looking out from her window. "I don't want to lose you..." but before she could continue Lucia hugged her. "It's okay sister." She said hugging her tightly.

"Thanks...but even if we do fight and I could win. I could never these people. I am not a warrior, I would rather spend my time with art." Lila said sighing. 

"I know...but this is the way of our people. We must follow the rules. I know you don't want to fight but we might have to." She replied turning and leaving the room. Lila sighed and looked at herself in the mirror a long white-haired, pale face girl stared back at her. She sighed and left her room. She walked down the halls and into the garden and looked at the tall wall the kept her inside the castle. 

"Good evening Princess." Said a voice being her. She turned and saw Nolan her personal guard and the commander of the royal army in times of war. "Nolan," she said nodding at him. 

"So. Tomorrow decides if you are queen or not." He said walking over to her. 

"Yes..." She said with a sigh.

"You still want to leave, though." He said watching gaze longing at the tall wall. She just nods, "I want to leave so bad." She said holding back a sob.

"You want to be free, I remember since you were a little kid you have been wanting to leave." He replied. "You do know if you order me to do something...I have to do it Majesty." 

She looked at him and smiled, "Really?" She asked her eyes wide. He nods and she hugs him tightly. He was taken by surprise but hugged her back.

"Okay. Nolan. I command you to help me escape." She said. He smiled and began leading her deep into the castle. He led her down into the catacombs to where someone was waiting with two bags of supplies. "Princess, this is Avis he is going to make sure you get out of the place and the kingdom safety but also to protect you. Yes, you can defend yourself but if they found you'll be hunted down and killed." He said. She nods and lifts her bag and places on her back. 

"How did you know I'll choose this?" She asked.

"This is your sister's idea actually," He said looking at her. She blinked and said, "Please tell her." 

"Of course my princess. Now go." He said. Lila nodded and ran down the hall with Avis. 

Nolan took a breath and walked to speak with Lucia. She was waiting for him in his room. "She has escaped." He reported.

"Good." She said. Then after a few moments of silence Lucia asked, "Think she be alright?" 

"I do." He replied.

"It must have been hard for you. You loved her didn't you." She said. Nolan gave a small nod and said, "Yes. But I'd much rather live a free life rather than bond to a crown she doesn't want to wear." 

"Yeah. Think she can come up with a good cover story?" Lucia asked. 

"I think she will." He replied. Lucia sighed then said, "Well then. Come on, we should get ready for tomorrow."  He nods and follows her out of the room.


"My name is Winter," Lila repeated to herself as she opened her eyes and a new person started back. A girl with brown hair and green eyes. Far from Princess Lila, hair to the throne. 

Avis walked over to her as she stood up. "I am okay...Come on." She said with a smile as she set out to start a new life but the two things that will always will stay with her is her memroy of her family and old life. But also her power over ice, snow and water. She will hide her past as long as she can, but if need be she'll tell the truth and protect those people who are inncent. 

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