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Ct-0001 ducked into a ship. He didn't like Kamino. To much rain and it was too empty. He wanted to be free. Suddenly he felt the ship take off. He bit back a yelp and clutched onto a pole. The ship steadied he let out a breath. Suddenly he hears footsteps. He heard a door open and the young clone turned to see one of Jango's friends. A mandolorian.

He freezes with fear but the Mando laughs hard and walks over.

"What's your name?" He asked. "I'm Kato"

"0001," he replied in a small voice.

"You don't have a name?" Kato asked.

"I do. It's 0001." he said.

"A number is not a name. A name is something like Leah or Jango." He said.

"Oh." The clone replied looking at the floor.

"How do you like the name Freedom?" He asked.

"Freedom?" The clone repeated.

"Yeah. Just change it Mandolorian you get Rimaragr." He said.

"I don't understand." The clone said.

"Well, you want to be free so bad you snuck into my ship." He said with a light chuckle. The clone was silent looking at the floor.

"Hey. Kid. I'm not mad, just I have to take you back you, know. But....I don't see the harm in giving you about an hour or two off Kamino. It won't kill anyone...unless..." he said giving the boy a suspicious glance. "...your really some secret assassin droid." He said in a very funny manner.

Ct-0001 or Rimaragr now giggled at this man's strange behavior. "Come on. You'll be much more comfortable in the cockpit." Kato says standing up and leading the young clone to the cockpit.

Kato sat down in his chair as Rimaragr climbed into the co-pilot seat and watched wide-eyed as they flew past stars, planets, and other spacey things that Silentx13 can't remember the name of right now.

Kato began giving the names of things they saw. Rimaragr nodded trying the remember them. He then asks, "Why aren't you made at me?"

"Why should I be mad at a kid who's smart enough to sneak onto a Mando's ship and is able to stay hidden from him for a while after take off?" He asked. Rimaragr just shrugged and Kato laughed. "Your going to make it big, I can tell."

"How?" Rimaragr asked with big eyes.

Kato grinned and said, "I happen to have a great scene about these things." Rimaragr grinned brightly. He liked being with Kato, it was fun and he was nice and funny. He also had a T-shirt in his room that said, 'master prankster. Fear me mortals.' Which Rimaragr didn't fully get. He was really sad when when Kato brought him back to Kamino but Kato promised to come and train him when he can or just to visit.

Kato did keep his promise and Rimaragr enjoyed that. Kato also 'kidnapped' Rimaragr and took him on missions and things like that. Needless to say Rimaragr loved being with Kato. After all he did give him his name. Freedom.

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