Not just a nameless mask

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Oliver Ader known to most as Captain or Sir and to those who doesn't know he's a captain he's known as a stormtrooper. A servant to the empire, just another emtionless mask. However, he's much more then that.

One day when Oliver finally got off duty and got to head home he just went home and didn't bother to even take off his armor. He justed wanted to go to sleep, he'd been up and frustrated trying to pinpoint were the rebles will strike next but he couldn't and neither could his men. Yet, they got assigned off the case since another group will be taking over that assignment.

Once Oliver opened the door to his home he stepped in and suddenly his legs got attacked by a small boy with black hair and blue eyes. "Daddy! Your home!" The little boy exclaimed happily. Oliver smiles and bends down and picks the boy up and swings him around. "Look how big you are. How are you and what did you do with my Tim?" Olive asks.

Tim giggles and says, "I am Tim." Oliver chuckled and held him close. "We'll look who's home." Said a voice and Oliver looks up and smiles at his twin sister. Oliver's wife had died during a rebles attack on a Imperial Factory that she was visiting to help the workers there. Yet she died from trying to save one of he workers. So Oliver's twin sister Olivia stays and watches Tim while Oliver is doing his job.

"I told him he could stay up till you came home." Olivia said as Oliver hugged Tim close.

"I see, but now it's bed time." He said to Tim. "Go get ready and I'll be their soon." He places Tim on the ground and he hopes off to get ready for bed.

"You seem tired." Olivia said.

"I am," Oliver replied. "I'm going to take my amor off and then tuck in Tim." Olivia nods and he leaves the room to get changed.

Once Oliver takes off the armor and gets changed he walked into Tim's room who was waiting patiently on the bed. Oliver leans over and tucks Tim in. "Night, champ." He says kissing him on the head.

"Daddy?" Tim asks sounding worried.

"Yeah? What's the matter?" Oliver asks kneeling by the bed. "Why do you have to be a stormtrooper? I don't want you to get hurt by the bad people who hurt mommy."

Oliver sighs softly. "I won't. I am keeping other people safe from them." He told Tim.

"Really?" Tim asks. Oliver nods and Tim smiles but then frowned, "okay but can you come home more?" He asks.

"I'll try my hardest." Oliver replied and kissed his son's head and tucked him. "Daddy?" Tim then asks.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Can you stay with me till I fall asleep?" Tim asked. "Of course," Oliver replied and sat down on the bed and waited till Tim fell asleep but even after he sat there. He didn't get a lot of time to spend with his son so just right now sittiting with him was worth it.

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