Replay part 2

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My eyes fly open as light blinds me. I sit up and blink. Why am I on Kamino? I think as I look down at my body and I mentally flip out. I was a squirt again. More acutely. I am a cadet. How? I just died....this isn't heaven. Or if it is I need to go to the guy in charge and say Kamino is not a haven for clones. 

"Get up Cadet 4421." Said a voice of a Kaminoin. I looked up and stood up. I need to get my head togeather. I thank my old trainer so much for teaching me to sometimes you need to play along and the part to get information. So I will. Since my number is not 4421 but 9035.  So I follow the Kaminoin they lead me to the barracks and to a trainer. The Kaminion shoved me off to the other cadets.

"You okay 9035?" Asks one of them. "You hit your head really hard during training."

"Yeah. I'm good." I said they didn't hear my lie. I was freaking out inside my head. Long story short I spent the day training. I played the part of being slower till I learned who this clone everyone thought I was. Long story short I found out that I did die in that mission but I was back as a different clone. For some reason, I have a second chance. So....yeah I have nothing else to say expect for the fact I have to go through training AGAIN! Well...that's it. Bye...

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