Osomatsu [Highschool AU]

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It was a Monday morning, and you were exhausted from staying up late to study. You completely forgot about today's test, and because of that you tried to cram everything into your head overnight. 

Sitting down in your designated seat, someone caught your eye. 

It was your close friend, Osomatsu. He was extremely laid back so he had no worries about today's test. You kind of wish you were as carefree as him, it was something you admired about him. One of them, anyway.

He noticed your dazed look and grinned, sauntering over to you and sitting on the desk next you.

"Yo! What's up with the bags?"

You brushed a piece behind your hair absentmindedly, a habit you picked up whenever your talked to him. "I forgot about the test."

He looked surprised then laughed.

"Oh yeah, so did I till you just mentioned it." He noticed your tired and slightly worried expression. "Don't worry! You're smart, so you'll be fine."

You felt your face going warm and mentally hit yourself. He's only being nice! 

"T-thanks." The stutter slipped out. "You always seem to be able to pass too."

Despite him not exactly being the smartest in class, he happened to pass, even if never studied a day in his life.

"Heh heh, it's one of my many talents. If only Totoko-chan would notice it!" He clasped his hands and had a dreamy look on his face. 

You felt your lips turn down. It wasn't like you hated Totoko, you just weren't sure how to talk to her. Osomatsu being so infatuated with her didn't help, you just a irritating feeling of jealousy whenever you thought of her, but you tried to shake it off.

"I'd be fine if wasn't just Totoko-chan, too!" He went out, not noticing your decreasing mood.

Ah, as much as you loved his density, he made a lot things worse without even noticing. At least with you he did.

Thankfully the teacher arrived to the classroom, and you had the test to worry about instead of your crush.


You couldn't really think straight during the test due to your increasing exhaustion, but you managed. Osomatsu came up behind you and slung an arm over your shoulder, rubbing his nose.

"Ah~ I'm tired. I could really go for something to eat. Hey, did you bring a bento today?" He asked.

You laughed a bit, "You're going to steal from me?" You joked.

"Hey, it's not stealing if I'm asking!" He played along, then his eyes lit up.

"Oh, Totoko-chan!" He waved, taking his arm off you.

You followed his eyes and saw Totoko walking down the hall, looking cute as ever.

"Osomatsu-kun, and..." She turned to you, "Y/n-chan, right?" 

"Yeah, that's me." You laugh awkwardly. You weren't expecting to be spoke to directly.

"Listen, listen Totoko-chan! I stole- borrowed money from my little brothers, so-"

You couldn't bear to hear anymore. "I have to go, bye." You said quietly.

Leaving quickly, you didn't hear the rest of the conversation. Totoko saw the sad look on your face as you run off and sighed.

"Ah, you really are stupid, Osomatsu-kun."



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