Fujio Rock!Karamatsu x Tomboy!Reader

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As the rain poured down outside and people strolled down the street under umbrellas and cosy coats, you were stuck inside cleaning up the restaurant you worked at. 

It was the end of the day, and the staff had left already, leaving you to lock up. Although that may seem like a great responsibility to have, you couldn't help but think bitterly that they were just leaving all the work to you. 

Then again, maybe you were just being pessimistic. It feels like you've been in the same bad mood for a while now, as if a dark cloud was constantly swirling above your head with no signs of moving. There was no real reason for it's being there, as nothing specifically bad or irritating at happened to you. 

Maybe that was the cause though. Some would prefer a calm life filled with routine and peacefulness, but for you it brought no joy. Whenever you were subjected to the sounds of silence, it only increased the loudness of your nostalgic thoughts. In your childhood you were close friends with quite the rowdy bunch, there was never a moment of peace. It had been years since you moved, and yet you still feel melancholic about the space between you and them. 

A sigh involuntarily left your lips as you clenched the rag, placing your other palm flat on the wooden table. There was no point dwelling on the fact. It had been years; the hopes of you meeting even one of them again were just a faint dream now.

The door to the restaurant suddenly opened, the small bell hanging above the doorframe chiming loudly at the movement. Startled, you turned around before realising it was just a customer.

"Um, sorry, we're closed right now..." You apologised. 

The person who had entered was a man who looked about your age, wearing an outfit that consisted of black jeans and white shirt with another black item of clothing over it. His neck was covered with a choker with what looked to be two more necklaces over it, a pair of sunglasses resting on one of them. 

The jewellery didn't stop there, as silver bangles were on both of his wrists, and upon closer inspection (without looking strange) they weren't broken handcuffs, so you were good! 

The man ran a hand through his dark hair, his (fingerless) gloved hand brushing his blue streak behind his ear. Despite his seemingly cool looks, you found it hard to describe his expression in the same vein as his fashion sense. He looked utterly exhausted.

"... Sir?" You spoke up again. Did he not hear you the first time?

His eyes opened, them quickly looking around the room only to rest on you. He let out a sigh of what seemed to be relief.

"Y-Yeah, I saw the sign. Could I... Possibly... Um... Stayhereforawhile?!"

You paused, staring back at him as he looked at you pleadingly. 


He scratched the back of his head, his expression growing increasingly nervous. "Can I stay here for a while? I won't make a mess, or even talk! I just need somewhere to hide!"

You felt your heartbeat start to quicken. Could it be that those things on his wrists were actually handcuffs?! Ugh, if the boss knew you let a criminal hide in his restaurant, you'd definitely get fired! ... And maybe get in a lot more trouble than that, but still!

As if sensing your uncertainty, he put his hands together in prayer. "Please!"

After twisting the rag around in your hands in thought, you sighed. "Okay... But just for a while!"

A thankful grin spread across his face as he dashed across the restaurant, ducking under one of tables. With his quick sprint, you had expected someone to burst in with a gun demanding money. 

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