Osomatsu x Reader

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Waking up in the morning, the eldest brother was usually met with lots of noise, or was being angrily shoved aside in the futon. Hearing nor feeling such things made him waken up a bit more, rubbing away the sleep in his eyes. 

After doing so he smiled to himself, seeing his girlfriend by his side. She didn't sleep too far away from him, but it wasn't a bother in the slightest. In fact, he'd be totally fine with her sleeping even closer to him! 

Watching her peaceful expression not only made a warmth rise up on his cheeks, but made a smile form as well. It was easy for him to crack jokes and comment on her figure (among other things...) but he found it a bit embarrassing at times to truly confess how he felt. 

Fortunately she understood that, and didn't pressure him. He spoke more with actions after all. That much was evident as he wrapped an arm around her waist. The soft but still sudden touch made her eyes open slightly, looking up at him sleepily.  

"Oso?" She let it a little hum of laughter. "...Morning."

He responded with a chuckle of his own, smiling bashfully. "Heheh, mornin'. Have any nice dreams of me?"

She shook her head. "No, only nightmares."


Her still sleepy smile widened into a grin.  "I'm kidding."

Osomatsu adjusted his position to pinch her cheek playfully. "Is that right? I can't believe your bullying your poor defenceless boyfriend like this."

He could see that she was waking up more as the conversation continued, the sounds of birds a backing track to their soft talking. He let his gentle grip on her cheek go slack and simply took to resting his palm on her face comfortably. She only leaned into the touch.

"Aw. I'm sure you'll live." She responded casually, her laughter becoming more prominent when Osomatsu sent her another faux shocked look.

Her giggles slowly quietened, and she let out a satisfied sigh. "Thanks for staying over, Oso."

He blinked a bit, taken aback by her sudden thanks. "O-Oh, it's nothing... Hey, you're making it sound like I don't wanna be here!"

"Hmhm, sorry, I didn't mean it like that." She explained with a chuckle. 

Truthfully he knew that, but was embarrassed since he felt the same way. Sure it was pretty different from staying at home, but he didn't see her house as another place to visit... It kinda felt like a different home. Although she didn't voice it completely, he understood her thoughts because they were also his own. 

"Oso? What's up?" She questioned curiously.

He quickly snapped out of his thoughts, all too aware of the fluttery feeling residing within him. He let out a laugh, rubbing the back of his head.

"Uh, huh? N-Nothing, why do you ask?" 

She shrugged, hiding her devious smile. "Well, it's strange to see you so quiet."

"Oh ho, what do you mean by that, huh...?!" Osomatsu replied, moving his hands once again to tickle her. Immediately laughter left her lips as she attempted to push him away. She managed to do so, and he recoiled in shock.

"Ack, your hands are freezing!!" Osomatsu complained. "We slept in the same bed, but you feel like you were stored in the freezer overnight!"

Another chuckle left her at his dramatic comparison. "I just have naturally cold hands, I guess."

Forcing himself to get over it, he sighed and reluctantly encased her hands in his own, feeling goosebumps run across his arms from the iciness of her touch. 

"Seriously, I dunno if that's healthy." He told her, half joking.

Her already peaceful and serene expression seemed to soften more as she gazed at him. "Maybe. I have you though, so I'll be okay."

Osomatsu's mouth went slack suddenly, unable to produce a quick reply. She gently took back her hands and placed them on his face with a smile.

"Yep, that's definitely warming them up." 

His blush only seemed to intensify, her cold hands contrasting against the hotness of his cheeks.

"H-Hey!" He finally got out. "You're making my face cold now..." 

Although he knew that somehow it was only getting warmer. He furrowed his eyebrows, frustrated at this turn of events. Usually he was the one doing the teasing!

He lightly pushed her hands away to mask his embarrassment, then grinned at her. "Fine then, c'mere!"

With that he pulled the cover up high and wrapped both arms around his beloved girlfriend, smiling at the sound of her laugh. The cosy warmth of the covers that had accumulated heat (from one of them, at least) helped with the icy feeling he was subjected to not long ago. 

He let out a sigh in satisfaction, nuzzling his face into her hair. She moved slightly to wrap her own arms around him, which of course he had no problem with. Until she teasingly put her hand under the top he was wearing.

"A-Agh, cold!"


A/N: My cold hands gave me the idea for this, haha ^^ 

I'll try get requests done soon, I've just been feeling quite tired and actually a little burnt out. Due to that I've closed requests for now. 

What I plan to write next is: 

Ichimatsu x Guardian Angel!Reader [3]

Fujio Rock!Karamatsu x Tomboy!Reader

Matsuno Brothers x Reader

I don't know which one will be next, but I do plan to write them! Also, thank you all for reading. I feel I can't really say it enough, but it makes me really happy to know people actually enjoy the stories I write. Thank you! 💗

Edit: Fixed some things. 

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