Totoko x Reader

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When you heard there was going to be a cosplay event held in Akatsuka, you had to stop yourself from jumping with joy. You've always wanted to dress up and make it a memory with a picture, you just never had the opportunity.

You were a bit too shy to show up yourself though. Plus, you didn't really know anyone who would be interested in cosplaying. 

When you relayed this to your friend Totoko, she helped ease your worries.

"Cosplay?" She echoed with doe-like eyes. "Oh! That's when dress up all pretty, right?"

You nodded. "Sometimes. It depends on the character."

 She clapped her hands in excitement. "Sounds fun! Okay, let's go!"

"Right... W-Wait, 'let's'? As in, 'we'?" 

Totoko hummed, as if it was obvious. "Yeah. Ooh, I'm excited! What should I dress up as..."

For a moment you could only stare at her, shocked. Then you smiled. You didn't think she'd be interested, but to your surprise she was looking forward to it as much as you were. 

"Well, I have a couple costumes at my house... Although you might not like them." You told her quietly, beginning to feel unsure. 

Her reaction couldn't have been more positive. "Really?! Let's go, then!"

She stood up and grabbed your hand, encasing it in her own. The feeling of her skin against yours made your stomach flutter, but you ignored it. 

You were taken aback by how fast she could walk in those heels, as soon enough after leaving her own home she appeared at the front door of yours. You took out your keys to unlock the door, and she was inside in a flash. 

Totoko opened up your wardrobe and surveyed the costumes, brown eye wide with interest. 

She brought out an outfit with a half-squeal. "This is so cute!"

Attached to the hanger was a long sleeved white shirt, a pink vest over it with a purple skirt adorned with black musical notes. You recognised the character immediately.

"Ah, that's Kae-"

"Oh, this too! I've never seen anything like this before." Totoko unintentionally ignored you, looking deeper in the wardrobe. You were glad she was so interested though, you've never had any friends that could share this happiness with you. 

It made you smile, although she didn't know any of the characters. 

She brought out another outfit, a houndstooth patterned black uniform with a yellow ribbon attached under the collar. Under that it held a white turtleneck.

"That's Rise's outfit, you look a lot like her actually!" You quickly said, and her face lit up.

"Really? Then, I'll dress as her!" 

Without hesitation she took off her original clothes, and you looked away in embarrassment. She didn't seem to care too much though. Soon enough she had the uniform on, twirling in front of the full-body mirror in your room.

"So cute! What do you think, Y/n-chan?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

You nodded, a smile forming on your face. "Yeah, it's... Really cute."

Realising that you had trailed off awkwardly, you jumped you rom your position from the floor.

"Um, I-I'll style your hair, okay?" You offered. Totoko sat down on your bed, a happy expression on her face as she untied her hair. 

Picking up a brush, you gently combed it through Totoko's soft locks. You found yourself staring when you looked at her face in the mirror in front of you both. It wasn't often she had her hair down. 

Osomatsu-san x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now