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Although you started living in Japan for a few months now, you never took the time to visit Akihabara, a place you've always wanted to visit. 

You knew that wasn't all Japan had to offer, but you'd be lying if you weren't extremely interested in the home of any merchandise to exist. 

And so here you were, starstruck by the tall buildings and busy streets. You were a bit anxious at the cluster of so many people, so you dressed in your usual casual outfit, a baggy track suit and your hair in a low messy bun tucked behind your hood, as to not attract a lot of attention.

While strolling down the street you looked through the windows of many shops, and one finally caught your eye. Just from the sight of the window you saw a stacked shelf of different types of merchandise from your favourite anime. Feeling excited, you walked in.

You quickly made your way to the shelf you saw previously and simply stood in awe of the collection, you had no idea where to even start. You reached out a gently held a little keychain, admiring the detail. You let your gaze fall lower in the shelf, looking at the more apparel type items. 

Walking along the shelf, you kept your eyes on the items in stock, and then all of a sudden you collided into something warm.

You stumbled forward, and landed on a flat surface. Groaning slightly from the pain, you looked up and met eyes with someone else. 

His face looked slightly annoyed, but also a bit pink. You apologised and got off of him quickly. 

"Sorry, I didn't notice you..." You admitted, embarrassed.

He sighed and crossed his arms. "It's fine, don't mention it!" He said stiffly.

"Anyway, I can see why you'd be so distracted."  

You looked at him curiously and he gestured to the shelf. 

"You have good taste." He complimented, and continued,"Not a lot of people I know follow this series, they're seriously missing out." He shook his head, as if disappointed.

"Yeah, I like it a lot... I don't have many people to talk about it either." 

 Or people to talk to in general... You added silently.

He seemed to brighten up. "I'm glad I've met someone with superior taste, then! My name is Choromatsu."

"My names Y/n." You greeted politely, and he looked at you, confused.

"Isn't that more of a girl name...?" He asked more to himself than to you.             "Well, no matter! So, Y/n-kun, what's your favourite arc?"


After talking  with your new friend, Choromatsu, the conversation stemmed from more than just both of your's favourite series. Naturally, you were able to talk about all your interests, things you wouldn't just tell people off the bat. 

He confided in you as well, telling you about him absolute beloved idol, Nyaa-chan. You admitted you didn't listen to a lot of her music, only songs that popped up on the radio from time to time. He looked at you as if you committed a sin, and immediately told you about her nearing concert.

"You have to come, there's no way you could miss out on Nyaa-chan! Since I'm such a big fan, I have a season pass for all of her concerts, so there's no problem bringing someone with me!" He boasted, but his offer was sincere.

"Oh, I don't know... I never been to a concert in Japan." 

He gaped at you as if you had said something blasphemous. Did he not notice you weren't exactly a local? At least you didn't have to worry about how your Japanese sounded if he didn't notice anything.

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