Todomatsu x Reader

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April first, a day filled with the joy of pranking for some and full of let downs for others. For the youngest brother Todomatsu, he used to not think much of the holiday. In fact, it was kind of irritating. However he realised that he could use this day to his advantage. 

For a while he's been silent about his crush on you, and for even longer he's been trying to get close to you. Whether it was inviting you out to places or literally sitting closest to you whenever you visited the Matsuno residence, he tried his best to get your attention in some way. 

He knew himself that things couldn't just keep going on like this. With your pretty looks and your sweet personality, anyone would try and sweep you up! That's why he planned to tell you how he felt.

... Well, he wanted to. In a sincere way. But even as an adult confessing your love is unbelievably scary! That's when he came up with the idea of telling you on this day specifically, so even if you didn't return the feelings, he could play it off as a joke and not get his feelings hurt. 

Todomatsu: Heey, wanna hang out? ✌️

As he read over his text to be sure of his perfection, he inhaled slowly. Then, he tapped his screen to send. The wait for a reply was short, but stressful all the same. Todomatsu's heart seemed to have quickened considerably, much too noticeable in the way it felt as if it was knocking against his ribcage.

 Y/n:  Sure, I'm not doing anything! 

He let out a breath in relief. That was one less thing to worry about. Not that he was worrying! Not at all.

Todomatsu: Then I'll meet up with you at the river bank, k? See ya!  

With that text sent he stood up, and made his way out the door before he could change his mind. He was sure the tightening in his chest was due to nerves, but there was also an underlying feeling that he couldn't pinpoint exactly. 

... It was probably nothing serious. 


The riverbank was the same as ever, mostly peaceful due to the time day. The people who'd usually pass by were most likely at work. Todomatsu rolled his eyes at the thought. 

'Well, whatever. That just makes it easier.' 

Kneeling down by the river he sighed, watching as the water continued to flow, never stopping. The sound calmed the butterflies fluttering in his stomach, as well as the thumping of his heart. He didn't even realise he ended up closing his eyes. 

When he opened them, he eyes met with his reflection in the water again, although this time there was another person staring into the river.

"Ah-!" A surprised sound left his lips as he fell back. After sitting himself back up he heard laughter.

"S-Sorry Todomatsu! I didn't mean to scare you, honestly." You apologised, holding out a hand. He looked up at it, still in shock from it all when he pouted.

"Hmph." He acted annoyed when he suddenly pulled on you hand, the force of it causing you to topple forward and land next to him on the ground. You blinked at him, mouth agape.

"Whoopsie, sorry Y/n-chan." Todomatsu giggled, playfully hitting his head with his fist. You lightly shoved him in reply.

"Alright, alright! We're even." You said amidst of your laughter when he shoved you back. 

A small smile spread across his face as he watched you get over your fit of giggles. There was this irreplaceable comfort with you, a certain coziness that couldn't be achieved with anyone else. The thought that one day that might change or disappear was a phobia all on its own, and it was the main reason Todomatsu felt he had to go through with this today, and today only. 

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