Karamatsu x Reader

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As the days were getting colder, the nights were getting darker. The season was slowly transitioning into Winter and you were excited for it. So excited, that you invited your boyfriend over just to watch some Christmas movies to get in the mood for the special event.

He was of course was over the moon at your request, dressing somewhat appropriately for the cold weather for once. He arrived at your home by 5:30pm, the sky already a deep velvety blue outside. 

As you opened the door the icy air instantly hit you. "K-Karamatsu! Come in, it's freezing."

Although you could tell by his shaking shoulders that he was shivering slightly, he beamed at you with the warmest smile.  

"Darling! I'm so glad to see you!" Immediately he brought you in a hug after you closed the door, the two of you swaying slightly.

A bashful giggle escaped you. "Me too. Your brothers didn't interrogate you too much, did they?"

"Hmhm, my brothers can become green with envy at times, but when I told them about my rendezvous with you they ushered me out the house with such strength! They must have understood my overflowing love for you and wanted me to see you as soon as possible." He dramatically answered.

You chuckled at the thought. They probably just wanted him out so he could stop (unintentionally) boasting. "Yeah, that's thoughtful of them..."

"Anyway, shall we get started? I have everything ready!" You exclaimed with excitement, letting your arms go slack around him. He released you from the cosy hug, smiling down at you.

"Of course, let us begin!"


As the movies went on, the more time passed. It soon became 10:52pm, outside becoming completely engulfed in darkness. You had started with classics, to family favourites, then some Christmas-sy rom-coms which Karamatsu especially loved. 

As the night continued, you slowly started to feel drowsy. You didn't want to be rude, but looking over you could see Karamatsu's eyes slowly closing as well. You decided tot wake a quick nap. It was cosy enough, and it's not anything would be that different when you woke up.


When you opened your eyes again, your entire body felt frozen. Goosebumps lined up and down your arms, and as a result of sleepily looking around the room you saw the cause. From your window all you could see was white snow.

"Huh...? K-Karamatsu." You called, still feeling slightly groggy. He jumped up, looking down at you almost in a panic.

"W-What's wrong, what's happened?" 

You nodded towards the window, feeling yourself start to shiver. "I think we're snowed in."

He started to wake up more, standing up and looking through the peep-hole of your door. He was met with a obnoxiously bright white. Grasping at the door handle, it moved but did not allow him to open the door itself. 

His eyebrows drew together, looking worried. "That seems to be the case. H-Has it gotten colder in here?" 

As he said it, you realised it yourself. It was already cold during the day, it was absolutely freezing during the night! Shouldn't your heating be working?

"I-I'll check the heating. I'll get b-blankets too." You stuttered out, arms wrapped firmly around your torso. 

Karamatsu's teeth had begun to chatter, but he still tried to pull of a cool guy pose. "H-heh, non non my C-C-Cherie! I shall fetch the b-blankets." 

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