Osomatsu x Shy!Reader

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Today didn't seem to be your day. First you tripped up on a wire on the floor, just managing to catch yourself, then your shopping bag broke just as you turned to leave. The person serving you gave you another, but it was still embarrassing in front of a whole line of people! 

This had to be the worst part though. You were minding your own business, wanting to go home after such a horrible day, when you were stopped by two men who gave you bad vibes. 

They stepped in front of you, blocking your path. 

"Um... Excuse me..." You said quietly, not wanting any trouble.

"What are you doing all alone? There's bad people out there, y'know. Here, let me and my buddy walk ya home." One of them slurred.

You could tell he was drunk just from his red face and glazed eyes. It was still daytime too. If you weren't so afraid of confrontation you'd give them a strongly worded lecture.

"I'm fine by myself." You said quickly, trying to move around them. His friend put an arm out, catching you by your shoulder.

"Well hey, isn't that just rude? We're in the middle of talking to ya!" He said, masking his annoyance with a faux kindness.

You started to sweat, feeling frightened. "Please, let go-"

"You'll have to pay back me and my friend for being such a rude girl." The man grinned, increasing his tight grip on your shoulder.

The man suddenly stopped as he was alerted to a presence next to you. You turned and saw a man with a bowl cut, hands tucked casually into his jumper pockets.

"Ah man, it's still the middle of the day, and you're up to this?" He shook his head in mock disappointment. "I get she's cute, but nobody's gonna want to get with you two big lumps." 

The intimidating men stiffened up, their teeth gritted. 

"What'd you just call us?!" The one holding onto you let go of your shoulder, then pushed you harshly. He stomped up over to the man in red. 

"Hold on- he's one of those bastard sextuplets!" The man who blocked your path before exclaimed. His friend looked closer at the one in red, and the colour of his face paled.

"Shit, we better run!" With that yell, him and his despicable friend fled. You could only watch them run on the ground from where you were pushed. 

"Heeey~ are you just gonna stay there?" A voice called. Surprised, you looked over and saw a welcoming hand held out to you. Your eyes travelled up the arm and locked eyes with the man who helped you. He had a comforting smile on his face.

"Oh, thank you..." You said quietly, taking his hand. He pulled you up effortlessly, and due to feeling like jelly from before you needed up falling into him. Your face flushed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that!" You told him defensively, getting off of him. He only laughed.

"Don't sweat it! It's not like I'd complain anyway, hah!" He rubbed underneath his nose with his index finger. You shuffled your feet, contemplating. You really wanted to go home, but something about him made you want to stick around. You had some things to say to him anyway.

"About before... T-thank you." You muttered, fiddling with your hands. He looked slightly surprised. 

"Ah it's fine, it's fine! I couldn't just leave ya alone." His tone of voice was light, as if it was no big deal, but his eyes still held annoyance for what he saw happen.

You tried to think of things to say so you'd have an excuse to continue talking to you. An idea came to mind.

"Those guys seemed like they knew you..." You mentioned, and he paused.

Osomatsu-san x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now