Karamatsu x Perverted!Reader

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"My honey, what is it? Has my charm captivated you?"

The sound of Karamatsu's voice snapped you out of your daze. If you were being honest, he was totally right. 

It was a warmer day than usual today, so Karamatsu decided to wear his shorts with flashy gold shoes. You'd wonder were he got such expensive-looking shows, but you couldn't tear your eyes away from the shorts. 

Still, you were starting to look suspicious. "Hah, yeah." You said in a non-committing manner. A red blush appeared across his cheeks and ears.

"O-oh." He mumbled, shifting his sunglasses to cover his face. "Heh, of course you would. It's only natural." He said after he calmed himself. 

You nodded, continuing to stare. You didn't really understand why so many were disgusted, did they not see he was super hot?! Well, whatever. It's less competition for you, anyway. 

"Actually, I've been meaning to ask you something, my darling." He said cooly, putting a firm hand on your shoulder. 

You tried to stop thinking about how nice his hand felt on your, instead trying to focus on his words and not look like a drooling idiot.

"Uh, yeah. I mean what is it?" You asked. 

He posed, holding his chin with a finger gun. 

"It would make moi most happy if you were to consider- that is if you have free time, a beautiful gal such as yourself would no doubt be busy with other matters, nonetheless I ask-" 

You giggled, causing him to flush again. "Come on, tell me. I don't bite." 

'Eventually I'd like to though... Oh, he's talking again.'

"Aha, you're right. I simply wanted to ask... Would you like to go on a date?" 

'I really need to pay attention and stop daydreaming, he almost sounded real when he said that.'  You thought to yourself.

You waited for him to say something else, but he only stared back at you with a nervous expression. Did he actually say what you thought he said?!

"O-oh! Sorry, I sort of zoned out." As you said it, he looked relieved.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "So... Your answer?" 

"Sure, where were you thinking of going?" You asked, giving him a smile. 

You could see his eyes widen behind his sunglasses, and he coughed to cover up his shock.

"Hmm, well, wherever you'd like my sunshine." 

You would never get over those little nicknames he gave you... Wait, he just asked you something again, didn't he?

"Hmm, how about we just get something to eat?" You offered. 

He smirked, posing yet again. "Sounds good." He gave a thumbs up.

Luckily there was a restaurant nearby that had good reviews. It wasn't too expensive or fancy, so you didn't feel nervous. Karamatsu, on the other hand had a nervous smile and shaky hands. 

You knew him and his brothers weren't too lucky with girls, but you couldn't believe no one had shown interest in going out with the second eldest brother. You held his hand with yours, smiling warmly at him when he looked at you with surprise.

You did it with the intent of making him feel better, but it seemed to have the opposite effect. He only seemed to look even more nervous.

Soon after seating yourselves a waiter came over to your table to take your orders. The two of you did so and were left to talk amognst yourselves. Usually Karamatsu could talk for hours if you let him, but now he was quiet and had quite the timid demeanour. 

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